element -> <dPersonnel.20>
EMS Personnel's Foreign Language Ability
The languages spoken (other than English) by the personnel with at least an elementary level of proficiency.
Added to better describe the EMS workforce.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
Content Model Diagram
XML Representation Summary |
<dPersonnel.20 |
CorrelationID |
= |
xs:string |
> |
Content: |
{ enumeration of xs:string } |
</dPersonnel.20> |
Simple Content Detail:
Enumeration: |
"amh" |
- |
Amharic |
"ara" |
- |
Arabic |
"arm" |
- |
Armenian |
"ben" |
- |
Bengali |
"crp" |
- |
Cajun (Creole and Pidgins) |
"chi" |
- |
Chinese |
"hrv" |
- |
Croatian |
"cze" |
- |
Czech |
"dan" |
- |
Danish |
"dut" |
- |
Dutch |
"fin" |
- |
Finnish |
"tai" |
- |
Formosan |
"fre" |
- |
French |
"cpf" |
- |
French Creole |
"ger" |
- |
German |
"gre" |
- |
Greek |
"guj" |
- |
Gujarati |
"heb" |
- |
Hebrew |
"hin" |
- |
Hindi (Urdu) |
"hun" |
- |
Hungarian |
"ilo" |
- |
Ilocano |
"itl" |
- |
Italian |
"jpn" |
- |
Japanese |
"kor" |
- |
Korean |
"kro" |
- |
Kru |
"lit" |
- |
Lithuanian |
"mal" |
- |
Malayalam |
"hmn" |
- |
Miao (Hmong) |
"mkh" |
- |
Mon-Khmer (Cambodian) |
"nav" |
- |
Navaho |
"nno" |
- |
Norwegian |
"pan" |
- |
Panjabi |
"gem" |
- |
Pennsylvania Dutch (Germanic Other) |
"per" |
- |
Persian |
"pol" |
- |
Polish |
"por" |
- |
Portuguese |
"rum" |
- |
Romanian |
"rus" |
- |
Russian |
"smo" |
- |
Samoan |
"srp" |
- |
Serbo-Croatian |
"slo" |
- |
Slovak |
"spa" |
- |
Spanish |
"swe" |
- |
Swedish |
"syr" |
- |
Syriac |
"tgl" |
- |
Tagalog |
"tha" |
- |
Thai (Laotian) |
"tur" |
- |
Turkish |
"ukr" |
- |
Ukrainian |
"vie" |
- |
Vietnamese |
"yid" |
- |
Yiddish |
Included in content model of elements (1):
Anonymous Type Detail
Type Derivation Tree xs:string (restriction) complexType |
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element id="dPersonnel.EMSPersonnelsForeignLanguageAbility" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="dPersonnel.20"> <xs:complexType> <xs:simpleContent> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> |
Attribute Detail (all declarations; defined in this component only; 1/1) CorrelationID -
Attribute Value
MaxLength: |
255 |
MinLength: |
0 |
XML Source (see within schema source)