Working... It takes up to several minutes to add an entire state.
Select a NEMSIS V3 DEMDataSet XML file (or a file previously generated by the Service Area Builder) on your computer/device:
The file you selected couldn't be imported. The file must be a valid NEMSIS V3 DEMDataSet XML file (or a file previously generated by the Service Area Builder). Try again.
Paste (or type) a
One code per line.
Each ZIP code should be 5 digits.
Each census tract should be an 11-digit code.
Each county should be a 5-digit ANSI county code. The service area will include all census tracts and ZIP codes in each county.
Each state should be a 2-digit ANSI state code. The service area will include all counties, census tracts, and ZIP codes in each state.
The GIS shape should be a POLYGON in well-known text (WKT) format. It should look like POLYGON((...))