*OLoc where SAS datasets reside, replace the folder location by your own folder address; LIBNAME OLoc 'E:\_datasets\Nemsis_Public\SASDatasets\'; /*Sample Code below is provided to help users to generate file specification for SAS dataset */ /*Sample code is for table Pub_Pcrevents*/ PROC PRINTTO PRINT='E:\_datasets\Nemsis_Public\Documentation\Pub_PCREvents_FileSpec.txt' NEW; RUN; PROC DATASETS LIBRARY=OLoc memtype=view; CONTENTS VARNUM DATA=Pub_PCREvents; RUN; PROC PRINTTO PRINT=PRINT; RUN; /*Code below is provided to help users to transpose multi-multi variable data into flat multi-single data which can be matched to other datasets at event level*/ /*Sample code is for table factpcralcoholdruguseindicator*/ /**********************************************************************************************************/ /* Table Name: factpcralcoholdruguseindicator Elements: PcrKey --foreign key EHistory_17 --Type of Dispatch Delay */ PROC TRANSPOSE DATA=OLoc.factpcralcoholdruguseindicator OUT=OLoc.alcoholdruguseindicator_Flat(drop=_NAME_) PREFIX=EHistory_17_ ; BY PcrKey; VAR EHistory_17; RUN; /**/ /*NEMSIS dataset store time and date values as text in the public dataset, below is a sample code to transform into datetime format*/ data Pub_Pcrevents; set oloc.Pub_Pcrevents; UnitNotifiedByDispatchDateTime=input(etimes_03,e8601dt19.); format UnitNotifiedByDispatchDateTime datetime19.; run;