element -> <dFacility.12>
Facility Country
The country where the facility is located.
Based on the ANSI Code. The information contained within this element could be used to populate the address information within eScene.22 (Incident Country) and/or eDisposition.08 (Destination Country) as appropriate.
<br/><br/>ANSI Country Codes (ISO 3166) Website: <a>http://www.iso.org/iso/country_codes/iso_3166_code_lists.htm </a>
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
Content Model Diagram
XML Representation Summary |
<dFacility.12> |
Content: |
{ enumeration of xs:string } |
</dFacility.12> |
Simple Content Detail:
Enumeration: |
"CA" |
- |
Canada |
"MX" |
- |
Mexico |
"US" |
- |
United States |
Included in content model of elements (1):
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)