All Element Summary |
dAgency.01 (in DemographicGroup) |
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dAgency.02 (in DemographicGroup) |
dAgency.02 EMS Agency Number Yes Yes The state-assigned provider number of the responding agency D01_01 Mandatory Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Response STEMI Stroke Trauma This is the primary identifier for the entire Demographic Section.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dAgency.02 (type anonymous) |
dAgency.02 EMS Agency Number Yes Yes The state-assigned provider number of the responding agency D01_01 Mandatory Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Response STEMI Stroke Trauma This is the primary identifier for the entire Demographic Section.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dAgency.03 (type anonymous) |
dAgency.03 EMS Agency Name No Yes The formal name of the agency.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
dAgency.04 (in DemographicGroup) |
dAgency.04 EMS Agency State Yes Yes The state/territory which assigned the EMS agency number.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dAgency.04 (type anonymous) |
dAgency.04 EMS Agency State Yes Yes The state/territory which assigned the EMS agency number.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dAgency.05 (in dAgency.AgencyServiceGroup) |
dAgency.05 EMS Agency Service Area States Yes Yes The states in which the EMS Agency provides services including the state associated with the EMS Agency Number.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dAgency.06 (in dAgency.AgencyServiceGroup) |
dAgency.06 EMS Agency Service Area County(ies) Yes Yes The county(ies) within each state for which the agency formally provides service.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
dAgency.07 (in dAgency.AgencyServiceGroup) |
dAgency.07 EMS Agency Census Tracts Yes Yes The US census tracts in which the EMS agency formally provides service.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
dAgency.08 (in dAgency.AgencyServiceGroup) |
dAgency.08 EMS Agency Service Area ZIP Codes Yes Yes The ZIP codes for the EMS Agency's service area.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
dAgency.09 (type anonymous) |
dAgency.09 Primary Type of Service Yes Yes The primary service type provided by the agency.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dAgency.10 (type anonymous) |
dAgency.10 Other Types of Service No Yes The other service type(s) which are provided by the agency.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
dAgency.11 (type StateCertificationLicensureLevels) |
dAgency.11 Level of Service Yes Yes The level of service which the agency provides EMS care for every request for service (the minimum certification level).
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dAgency.12 (type OrganizationStatus) |
dAgency.12 Organization Status Yes Yes The primary organizational status of the agency.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dAgency.13 (type OrganizationalType) |
dAgency.13 Organizational Type Yes Yes The organizational structure from which EMS services are delivered (fire, hospital, county, etc.)
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dAgency.14 (type anonymous) |
dAgency.14 EMS Agency Organizational Tax Status Yes Yes The EMS Agencies business/corporate organizational tax status Mandatory Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Response STEMI Stroke Trauma Associated with the EMS Agency for the specific EMS Agency Number (dAgency.02).
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dAgency.15 (in dAgency.AgencyYearGroup) |
dAgency.15 Statistical Calendar Year Yes Yes The calendar year to which the information pertains for the EMS Agency and the specific EMS Agency Number (dAgency.02).
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dAgency.16 (in dAgency.AgencyYearGroup) |
dAgency.16 Total Primary Service Area Size Yes Yes The total square miles in the agency's service area.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
dAgency.17 (in dAgency.AgencyYearGroup) |
dAgency.17 Total Service Area Population Yes Yes The total population in the agency's service area based if possible on year 2010 census data.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
dAgency.18 (in dAgency.AgencyYearGroup) |
dAgency.18 911 EMS Call Center Volume per Year Yes Yes The number of 911 calls received by the call center during the last calendar year D01_14 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Response STEMI Stroke Trauma This statistical information is associated with the EMS Agency's specific EMS Agency Number (dAgency.02).
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
dAgency.19 (in dAgency.AgencyYearGroup) |
dAgency.19 EMS Dispatch Volume per Year Yes Yes The number of EMS dispatches during the last calendar year D01_15 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Response STEMI Stroke Trauma This statistical information is associated with the EMS Agency's specific EMS Agency Number (dAgency.02).
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
dAgency.20 (in dAgency.AgencyYearGroup) |
dAgency.20 EMS Patient Transport Volume per Year Yes Yes The number of EMS transports per year based on last calendar year.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
dAgency.21 (in dAgency.AgencyYearGroup) |
dAgency.21 EMS Patient Contact Volume per Year Yes Yes The number of EMS patient contacts per year based on last calendar year.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
dAgency.22 (in dAgency.AgencyYearGroup) |
dAgency.22 EMS Billable Calls per Year No Yes The number of EMS patient encounters which are billable based on the last calendar year.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
dAgency.23 (type EMSAgencyTimeZone) |
dAgency.23 EMS Agency Time Zone No No The time zone for the EMS Agency.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dAgency.24 (type YesNoValues) |
dAgency.24 EMS Agency Daylight Savings Time Use No No Indicate if the EMS Agency conforms to Daylight Savings Time.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dAgency.25 (type anonymous) |
dAgency.25 National Provider Identifier Yes Yes The National Provider Identifier issued by CMS.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
dAgency.26 (type anonymous) |
dAgency.26 Fire Department ID Number Yes Yes The state assigned Fire Department ID Number for EMS Agency(ies) operating within a Fire Department.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
dAgency.AgencyServiceGroup (type anonymous) |
Group Tag to hold info about the Agency's service information
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
dAgency.AgencyYearGroup (type anonymous) |
Group Tag to hold information about EMS agency annual statistics.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
DemographicGroup (in Header) |
Demographic information related to this agency
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eAirway (in PatientCareReport) |
Airway Device Information
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 1 element |
Defined: |
eAirway.01 (in eAirway.AirwayGroup) |
eAirway.01 Indications for Invasive Airway No Yes The clinical indication for performing invasive airway management.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eAirway.02 (in eAirway.ConfirmationGroup) |
eAirway.02 Date/Time Airway Device Placement Confirmation No Yes The date and time the airway device placement was confirmed.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eAirway.03 (in eAirway.ConfirmationGroup) |
eAirway.03 Airway Device Being Confirmed No Yes The airway device in which placement is being confirmed.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eAirway.04 (in eAirway.ConfirmationGroup) |
eAirway.04 Airway Device Placement Confirmed Method No Yes The method used to confirm the airway device placement.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eAirway.05 (in eAirway.ConfirmationGroup) |
eAirway.05 Tube Depth No No The measurement at the patient's teeth/lip of the tube depth in centimeters (cm) of the invasive airway placed.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eAirway.06 (in eAirway.ConfirmationGroup) |
eAirway.06 Type of Individual Confirming Airway Device Placement No Yes The type of individual who confirmed the airway device placement.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eAirway.07 (in eAirway.ConfirmationGroup) |
eAirway.07 Crew Member ID No Yes The crew member id during this EMS patient encounter at this date and time.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eAirway.08 (in eAirway.ConfirmationGroup) |
eAirway.08 Airway Complications Encountered No Yes The airway management complications encountered during the patient care episode.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eAirway.09 (in eAirway.ConfirmationGroup) |
eAirway.09 Suspected Reasons for Failed Airway Procedure No Yes The reason(s) the airway was unable to be successfully managed.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eAirway.10 (in eAirway.AirwayGroup) |
eAirway.10 Date/Time Decision to Manage the Patient with an Invasive Airway No No The date and time the decision was made to manage the patient's airway with an invasive airway device.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eAirway.11 (in eAirway.AirwayGroup) |
eAirway.11 Date/Time Invasive Airway Placement Attempts Abandoned No No The date and time that the invasive airway attempts were abandoned for the patient.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eAirway.AirwayGroup (in eAirway) |
Group Tag to hold Airway information
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eAirway.ConfirmationGroup (in eAirway.AirwayGroup) |
Group Tag to hold info about the confirmation methods.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eArrest (in PatientCareReport) |
Cardiac Arrest Information
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 18 elements |
Defined: |
eArrest.01 (in eArrest) |
eArrest.01 Cardiac Arrest Yes Yes Indication of the presence of a cardiac arrest at any time during this EMS event.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eArrest.02 (in eArrest) |
eArrest.02 Cardiac Arrest Etiology Yes Yes Indication of the etiology or cause of the cardiac arrest (classified as cardiac, non-cardiac, etc.)
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eArrest.03 (in eArrest) |
eArrest.03 Resuscitation Attempted By EMS Yes Yes Indication of an attempt to resuscitate the patient who is in cardiac arrest (attempted, not attempted due to DNR, etc.)
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eArrest.04 (in eArrest) |
eArrest.04 Arrest Witnessed By Yes Yes Indication of who the cardiac arrest was witnessed by E11_04 Required Cardiac Arrest This element is a component of the Utstein Cardiac Arrest Criteria as identified in the American Heart Association journal "Resuscitation" from 2004 entitled "Cardiac Arrest and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Outcome Reports".
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eArrest.05 (in eArrest) |
eArrest.05 CPR Care Provided Prior to EMS Arrival Yes Yes Documentation of the CPR provided prior to EMS arrival Required Cardiac Arrest This element is a component of the Utstein Cardiac Arrest Criteria as identified in the American Heart Association journal "Resuscitation" from 2004 entitled "Cardiac Arrest and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Outcome Reports".
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eArrest.06 (in eArrest) |
eArrest.06 Who Provided CPR Prior to EMS Arrival No Yes Documentation of who performed CPR prior to this EMS unit's arrival.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eArrest.07 (in eArrest) |
eArrest.07 AED Use Prior to EMS Arrival Yes Yes Documentation of AED use Prior to EMS Arrival Required Cardiac Arrest This element is a component of the Utstein Cardiac Arrest Criteria as identified in the American Heart Association journal "Resuscitation" from 2004 entitled "Cardiac Arrest and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Outcome Reports".
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eArrest.08 (in eArrest) |
eArrest.08 Who Used AED Prior to EMS Arrival No Yes Documentation of who used the AED prior to this EMS unit's arrival.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eArrest.09 (in eArrest) |
eArrest.09 Type of CPR Provided Yes Yes Documentation of the type/technique of CPR used by EMS.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eArrest.10 (in eArrest) |
eArrest.10 Therapeutic Hypothermia Initiated Yes Yes Documentation of EMS initiation of Therapeutic Hypothermia.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eArrest.11 (in eArrest) |
eArrest.11 First Monitored Arrest Rhythm of the Patient Yes Yes Documentation of what the first monitored arrest rhythm which was noted E11_05 Required Cardiac Arrest Added term "Arrest" to title to clarify this is the arrest rhythm<br/>Values "Other" and "Normal Sinus Rhythm" removed since they are not Cardiac Arrest Rhythms.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eArrest.12 (in eArrest) |
eArrest.12 Any Return of Spontaneous Circulation Yes Yes Indication whether or not there was any return of spontaneous circulation.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eArrest.13 (in eArrest) |
eArrest.13 Neurological Outcome at Hospital Discharge No No The level of cerebral performance of the patient at the time of discharge from the Hospital E11_07 Optional Cardiac Arrest 1 = Good Cerebral Performance: Conscious, Alert, able to work and lead a normal life.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eArrest.14 (in eArrest) |
eArrest.14 Date/Time of Cardiac Arrest Yes Yes The date/time of the cardiac arrest (if not known, please estimate).
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eArrest.15 (in eArrest) |
eArrest.15 Date/Time Resuscitation Discontinued No Yes The date/time the CPR was discontinued (or could be time of death) E11_09 Recommended Cardiac Arrest DateTime consists of finite-length characters of the form: yyyy '-' mm '-' dd 'T' hh ':' mm ':' ss ('.' s+)?
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eArrest.16 (in eArrest) |
eArrest.16 Reason CPR/Resuscitation Discontinued Yes Yes The reason that CPR or the resuscitation efforts were discontinued.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eArrest.17 (in eArrest) |
eArrest.17 Cardiac Rhythm on Arrival at Destination Yes Yes The patient's cardiac rhythm upon delivery or transfer to the destination E11_11 Required Cardiac Arrest This element needs to be documented when the patient has been in cardiac or respiratory arrest and transported to a healthcare facility to show the change in patient condition, if any.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eArrest.18 (in eArrest) |
eArrest.18 End of EMS Cardiac Arrest Event Yes Yes The patient's outcome at the end of the EMS event.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eCrew (in PatientCareReport) |
Crew Member Information
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 1 element |
Defined: |
eCrew.01 (in eCrew.CrewGroup) |
eCrew.01 Crew Member ID No Yes The state certification/licensure ID number assigned to the crew member.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eCrew.02 (in eCrew.CrewGroup) |
eCrew.02 Crew Member Level No Yes The functioning level of the crew member ID during this EMS patient encounter.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eCrew.03 (in eCrew.CrewGroup) |
eCrew.03 Crew Member Response Role No Yes The role(s) of the role member during response, at scene treatment, and/or transport.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eCrew.CrewGroup (in eCrew) |
Group Tag to hold crew information
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eCustomConfiguration (in Header) |
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 1 element |
Defined: |
eCustomConfiguration.01 (in eCustomConfiguration.CustomGroup) |
eCustomConfiguration.01 Custom Data Element Title No No This is the title of the custom data element created to collect information that is not defined formally in NEMSIS Version 3.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eCustomConfiguration.02 (in eCustomConfiguration.CustomGroup) |
eCustomConfiguration.02 Custom Definition No No The definition of the custom element and how it should be used.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eCustomConfiguration.03 (in eCustomConfiguration.CustomGroup) |
eCustomConfiguration.03 Custom Data Type No No The data type of the custom element.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eCustomConfiguration.04 (in eCustomConfiguration.CustomGroup) |
eCustomConfiguration.04 Custom Data Element Recurrence No No Indication if the data element will accept multiple values.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eCustomConfiguration.05 (in eCustomConfiguration.CustomGroup) |
eCustomConfiguration.05 Custom Data Element Usage No No The Usage (Mandatory, Required, Recommended or Optional) for the Custom Data Element.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eCustomConfiguration.06 (in eCustomConfiguration.CustomGroup) |
eCustomConfiguration.06 Custom Data Element Potential Values No No The values which are associated with the Custom Data Element.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eCustomConfiguration.07 (in eCustomConfiguration.CustomGroup) |
eCustomConfiguration.07 Custom Data Element Potential NOT Values (NV) No No NOT Values (NV) associated with the custom element Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eCustomConfiguration.08 (in eCustomConfiguration.CustomGroup) |
eCustomConfiguration.08 Custom Data Element Potential Pertinent Negative Values (PN) No No Pertinent Negative Values (PN) associated with the custom element Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eCustomConfiguration.CustomGroup (in eCustomConfiguration) |
Group Tag to hold custom information
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eCustomResults (in PatientCareReport) |
Custom Data Elements Results
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 1 element |
Defined: |
eCustomResults.01 (in eCustomResults.ResultsGroup) |
eCustomResults.01 Custom Data Element Result No No The actual value or values chosen (if values listed in eCustomConfiguration.06) or result (free text, Date/Time, or number) documented for the Custom Data Element Mandatory Added to allow customized data elements to be inserted and collected from within the NEMSIS Version 3 standard.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eCustomResults.02 (in eCustomResults.ResultsGroup) |
eCustomResults.02 Custom Element ID Referenced No No References the CustomElementID attribute for eCustomConfiguration.CustomGroup Mandatory
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eCustomResults.03 (in eCustomResults.ResultsGroup) |
eCustomResults.03 CorrelationID of PatientCareReport Element or Group No No References the CorrelationID attribute of an element or group in the PatientCareReport section Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eCustomResults.ResultsGroup (in eCustomResults) |
Group Tag to hold custom results
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDevice (in PatientCareReport) |
Medical Device Information
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 1 element |
Defined: |
eDevice.01 (in eDevice.DeviceGroup) |
eDevice.01 Medical Device Serial Number No No The unique manufacturer's serial number associated with a medical device.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eDevice.02 (in eDevice.DeviceGroup) |
eDevice.02 Date/Time of Event (per Medical Device) No No The time of the event recorded by the device's internal clock E21_01 Optional Airway Cardiac Arrest STEMI DateTime consists of finite-length characters of the form: yyyy '-' mm '-' dd 'T' hh ':' mm ':' ss ('.' s+)?
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eDevice.03 (in eDevice.DeviceGroup) |
eDevice.03 Medical Device Event Type No No The type of event documented by the medical device.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDevice.04 (in eDevice.WaveformGroup) |
eDevice.04 Medical Device Waveform Graphic Type No No The description of the waveform file stored in Waveform Graphic (eDevice.05).
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eDevice.05 (in eDevice.WaveformGroup) |
eDevice.05 Medical Device Waveform Graphic No No The graphic waveform file.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eDevice.06 (in eDevice.WaveformGroup) |
eDevice.06 Medical Device Mode (Manual, AED, Pacing, CO2, O2, etc) No No The mode of operation the device is operating in during the defibrillation, pacing, or rhythm analysis by the device (if appropriate for the event) E21_05 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eDevice.07 (in eDevice.DeviceGroup) |
eDevice.07 Medical Device ECG Lead No No The lead or source which the medical device used to obtain the rhythm (if appropriate for the event) E21_06 Optional Airway Cardiac Arrest STEMI Can be displayed in the Vital Signs or Procedure Sections.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDevice.08 (in eDevice.DeviceGroup) |
eDevice.08 Medical Device ECG Interpretation No No The interpretation of the rhythm by the device (if appropriate for the event) E21_07 Optional Airway Cardiac Arrest STEMI The rhythm interpretation text imported from the device.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eDevice.09 (in eDevice.ShockGroup) |
eDevice.09 Type of Shock No No The type of shock used by the device for the defibrillation (if appropriate for the event) E21_08 Optional Cardiac Arrest
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eDevice.10 (in eDevice.ShockGroup) |
eDevice.10 Shock or Pacing Energy No No The energy (in joules) used for the shock or pacing (if appropriate for the event) E21_09 Optional Cardiac Arrest
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eDevice.11 (in eDevice.ShockGroup) |
eDevice.11 Total Number of Shocks Delivered No No The number of times the patient was defibrillated, if the patient was defibrillated during the patient encounter.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eDevice.12 (in eDevice.ShockGroup) |
eDevice.12 Pacing Rate No No The rate the device was calibrated to pace during the event, if appropriate.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eDevice.DeviceGroup (in eDevice) |
Group Tag to hold Device Information
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDevice.ShockGroup (in eDevice.DeviceGroup) |
Group Tag to hold shock information
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDevice.WaveformGroup (in eDevice.DeviceGroup) |
Group Tag to hold info about Wave type
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDispatch (in PatientCareReport) |
Dispatch Information
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 5 elements |
Defined: |
eDispatch.01 (in eDispatch) |
eDispatch.01 Complaint Reported by Dispatch Yes Yes The complaint dispatch reported to the responding unit.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eDispatch.02 (in eDispatch) |
eDispatch.02 EMD Performed Yes Yes Indication of whether Emergency Medical Dispatch was performed for this EMS event.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDispatch.03 (in eDispatch) |
eDispatch.03 EMD Card Number No No The EMD card number reported by dispatch, consisting of the card number, dispatch level, and dispatch mode E03_03 Optional Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Response STEMI Stroke Trauma
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eDispatch.04 (in eDispatch) |
eDispatch.04 Dispatch Center Name or ID No No The name or ID of the dispatch center providing electronic data to the PCR for the EMS agency, if applicable.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eDispatch.05 (in eDispatch) |
eDispatch.05 Dispatch Priority (Patient Acuity) No No The actual, apparent, or potential acuity of the patient's condition as determined through information obtained during the EMD process.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eDisposition (in PatientCareReport) |
Patient Disposition Information
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 16 elements |
Defined: |
eDisposition.01 (in eDisposition.DestinationGroup) |
eDisposition.01 Destination/Transferred To, Name No Yes The destination the patient was delivered or transferred to.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDisposition.02 (in eDisposition.DestinationGroup) |
eDisposition.02 Destination/Transferred To, Code No Yes The code of the destination the patient was delivered or transferred to.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDisposition.03 (in eDisposition.DestinationGroup) |
eDisposition.03 Destination Street Address No Yes The street address of the destination the patient was delivered or transferred to.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDisposition.04 (in eDisposition.DestinationGroup) |
eDisposition.04 Destination City No Yes The city of the destination the patient was delivered or transferred to (physical address).
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eDisposition.05 (in eDisposition.DestinationGroup) |
eDisposition.05 Destination State Yes Yes The state of the destination the patient was delivered or transferred to.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDisposition.06 (in eDisposition.DestinationGroup) |
eDisposition.06 Destination County Yes Yes The destination county in which the patient was delivered or transferred to.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDisposition.07 (in eDisposition.DestinationGroup) |
eDisposition.07 Destination ZIP Code Yes Yes The destination ZIP code in which the patient was delivered or transferred to.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDisposition.08 (in eDisposition.DestinationGroup) |
eDisposition.08 Destination Country No No The country of the destination.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eDisposition.09 (in eDisposition.DestinationGroup) |
eDisposition.09 Destination GPS Location No No The destination GPS Coordinates to which the patient was delivered or transferred to.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eDisposition.10 (in eDisposition.DestinationGroup) |
eDisposition.10 Disposition Location US National Grid Coordinates No No The US National Grid Coordinates for the Disposition Location.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eDisposition.11 (in eDisposition) |
eDisposition.11 Number of Patients Transported in this EMS Unit No Yes The number of patients transported by this EMS crew and unit.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDisposition.12 (in eDisposition) |
eDisposition.12 Incident/Patient Disposition Yes Yes Type of disposition treatment and/or transport of the patient by this EMS Unit.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eDisposition.13 (in eDisposition) |
eDisposition.13 How Patient Was Moved to Ambulance No No The method the patient was moved to the ambulance from the scene E20_11 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDisposition.14 (in eDisposition) |
eDisposition.14 Position of Patient During Transport No No The position of the patient during transport from the scene E20_12 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDisposition.15 (in eDisposition) |
eDisposition.15 How Patient Was Transported From Ambulance No No The method the patient was moved from the ambulance to the destination E20_13 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eDisposition.16 (in eDisposition) |
eDisposition.16 EMS Transport Method Yes Yes Transport method by this EMS Unit.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDisposition.17 (in eDisposition) |
eDisposition.17 Transport Mode from Scene Yes Yes Indication whether the transport was emergent or non-emergent.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDisposition.18 (in eDisposition) |
eDisposition.18 Additional Transport Mode Descriptors Yes Yes The documentation of transport mode techniques for this EMS response.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDisposition.19 (in eDisposition) |
eDisposition.19 Condition of Patient at Destination Yes Yes The condition of the patient after care by EMS E20_15 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Trauma
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDisposition.20 (in eDisposition) |
eDisposition.20 Reason for Choosing Destination Yes Yes The reason the unit chose to deliver or transfer the patient to the destination E20_16 Required Cardiac Arrest Pediatric STEMI Stroke Trauma Required if Patient Transported
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDisposition.21 (in eDisposition) |
eDisposition.21 Type of Destination Yes Yes The type of destination the patient was delivered or transferred to E20_17 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Response STEMI Stroke Trauma Required if Patient Transported by EMS.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDisposition.22 (in eDisposition) |
eDisposition.22 Hospital In-Patient Destination Yes Yes The location within the hospital that the patient was taken directly by EMS (e.g.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDisposition.23 (in eDisposition) |
eDisposition.23 Hospital Designation Yes Yes The primary hospital capability associated with the patient's condition for this transport (e.g.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDisposition.24 (in eDisposition.HospitalTeamActivationGroup) |
eDisposition.24 Destination Team Pre-Arrival Alert or Activation Yes Yes Indication that an alert (or activation) was called by EMS to the appropriate destination healthcare facility team.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDisposition.25 (in eDisposition.HospitalTeamActivationGroup) |
eDisposition.25 Date/Time of Destination Prearrival Alert or Activation Yes Yes The Date/Time EMS alerted, notified, or activated the Destination Healthcare Facility prior to EMS arrival.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDisposition.26 (in eDisposition) |
eDisposition.26 Disposition Instructions Provided No No Information provided to patient during disposition for patients not transported or treated.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDisposition.DestinationGroup (in eDisposition) |
Group Tag to hold info about the Destination and the Disposition details
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eDisposition.HospitalTeamActivationGroup (in eDisposition) |
Group Tag to hold info about the destination team pre-arrival activation
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eExam (in PatientCareReport) |
Patient Exam Information
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 3 elements |
Defined: |
eExam.01 (in eExam) |
eExam.01 Estimated Body Weight in Kilograms No Yes The patient's body weight in kilograms either measured or estimated E16_01 Recommended Pediatric Yes
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eExam.02 (in eExam) |
eExam.02 Length Based Tape Measure No Yes The length-based color as taken from the tape.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eExam.03 (in eExam.AssessmentGroup) |
eExam.03 Date/Time of Assessment No No The date/time of the assessment E16_03 Optional Airway Stroke Cardiac Arrest DateTime consists of finite-length characters of the form: yyyy '-' mm '-' dd 'T' hh ':' mm ':' ss ('.' s+)?
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eExam.04 (in eExam.AssessmentGroup) |
eExam.04 Skin Assessment No No The assessment findings associated with the patient's skin.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eExam.05 (in eExam.AssessmentGroup) |
eExam.05 Head Assessment No No The assessment findings associated with the patient's head.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eExam.06 (in eExam.AssessmentGroup) |
eExam.06 Face Assessment No No The assessment findings associated with the patient's face.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eExam.07 (in eExam.AssessmentGroup) |
eExam.07 Neck Assessment No No The assessment findings associated with the patient's neck.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eExam.08 (in eExam.AssessmentGroup) |
eExam.08 Chest/Lungs Assessment No No The assessment findings associated with the patient's chest/lungs.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eExam.09 (in eExam.AssessmentGroup) |
eExam.09 Heart Assessment No No The assessment findings associated with the patient's heart.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eExam.10 (in eExam.AbdomenGroup) |
eExam.10 Abdominal Assessment Finding Location No No The location of the patient's abdomen assessment findings.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eExam.11 (in eExam.AbdomenGroup) |
eExam.11 Abdomen Assessment No No The assessment findings associated with the patient's abdomen.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eExam.12 (in eExam.AssessmentGroup) |
eExam.12 Pelvis/Genitourinary Assessment No No The assessment findings associated with the patient's pelvis/genitourinary.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eExam.13 (in eExam.SpineGroup) |
eExam.13 Back and Spine Assessment Finding Location No No The location of the patient's back and spine assessment findings.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eExam.14 (in eExam.SpineGroup) |
eExam.14 Back and Spine Assessment No No The assessment findings associated with the patient's spine (Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, and Sacral) and back exam.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eExam.15 (in eExam.ExtremityGroup) |
eExam.15 Extremity Assessment Finding Location No No The location of the patient's extremity assessment findings.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eExam.16 (in eExam.ExtremityGroup) |
eExam.16 Extremities Assessment No No The assessment findings associated with the patient's extremities.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eExam.17 (in eExam.EyeGroup) |
eExam.17 Eye Assessment Finding Location No No The location of the patient's eye assessment findings.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eExam.18 (in eExam.EyeGroup) |
eExam.18 Eye Assessment No No The assessment findings of the patient's eye examination.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eExam.19 (in eExam.AssessmentGroup) |
eExam.19 Mental Status Assessment No No The assessment findings of the patient's mental status examination.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eExam.20 (in eExam.AssessmentGroup) |
eExam.20 Neurological Assessment No No The assessment findings of the patient's neurological examination.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eExam.AbdomenGroup (in eExam.AssessmentGroup) |
Group Tag to hold abdomen assessment findings information
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eExam.AssessmentGroup (in eExam) |
Group Tag to hold assessment information
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eExam.ExtremityGroup (in eExam.AssessmentGroup) |
Group Tag to hold extremity assessment findings information
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eExam.EyeGroup (in eExam.AssessmentGroup) |
Group Tag to hold eye assessment findings information
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eExam.SpineGroup (in eExam.AssessmentGroup) |
Group Tag to hold spine assessment findings information
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eHistory (in PatientCareReport) |
Patient History Information
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 13 elements |
Defined: |
eHistory.01 (in eHistory) |
eHistory.01 Barriers to Patient Care Yes Yes Indication of whether or not there were any patient specific barriers to serving the patient at the scene E12_01 Required Added Obesity, Sight Impaired, Psychologically Impaired
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eHistory.02 (in eHistory.PractitionerGroup) |
eHistory.02 Last Name of Patient's Practitioner No No The last name of the patient's practitioner E12_06 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eHistory.03 (in eHistory.PractitionerGroup) |
eHistory.03 First Name of Patient's Practitioner No No The first name of the patient's practitioner E12_04 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eHistory.04 (in eHistory.PractitionerGroup) |
eHistory.04 Middle Name/Initial of Patient's Practitioner No No The middle name or initial of the patient's practitioner.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eHistory.05 (in eHistory) |
eHistory.05 Advance Directives No Yes The presence of a valid DNR form, living will, or document directing end of life or healthcare treatment decisions.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eHistory.06 (in eHistory) |
eHistory.06 Medication Allergies No Yes The patient's medication allergies E12_08 Recommended The list of medication allergies is based on RxNorm (RXCUI) Codes.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eHistory.07 (in eHistory) |
eHistory.07 Environmental/Food Allergies No No The patient's known allergies to food or environmental agents.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eHistory.08 (in eHistory) |
eHistory.08 Medical/Surgical History No Yes The patient's pre-existing medical and surgery history of the patient E12_10 Recommended Code list is represented by ICD-10-CM.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eHistory.09 (in eHistory) |
eHistory.09 Medical History Obtained From No No Type of person medical history obtained from E12_11 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eHistory.10 (in eHistory.ImmunizationsGroup) |
eHistory.10 The Patient's Type of Immunization No No The immunization type of the patient.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eHistory.11 (in eHistory.ImmunizationsGroup) |
eHistory.11 Immunization Date No No The year associated with each immunization type E12_13 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eHistory.12 (in eHistory.CurrentMedsGroup) |
eHistory.12 Current Medications No Yes The medications the patient currently takes E12_14 Recommended List of medications based on RxNorm (RXCUI) code.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eHistory.13 (in eHistory.CurrentMedsGroup) |
eHistory.13 Current Medication Dose No No The numeric dose or amount of the patient's current medication E12_15 Optional Associated with eHistory.12 (Current Medications)
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eHistory.14 (in eHistory.CurrentMedsGroup) |
eHistory.14 Current Medication Dosage Unit No No The dosage unit of the patient's current medication E12_16 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eHistory.15 (in eHistory.CurrentMedsGroup) |
eHistory.15 Current Medication Administration Route No No The administration route (po, SQ, etc.) of the patient's current medication E12_17 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eHistory.16 (in eHistory) |
eHistory.16 Presence of Emergency Information Form No No Indication of the presence of the Emergency Information Form associated with patient's with special healthcare needs.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eHistory.17 (in eHistory) |
eHistory.17 Alcohol/Drug Use Indicators Yes Yes Indicators for the potential use of alcohol or drugs by the patient related to the patient's current illness or injury.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eHistory.18 (in eHistory) |
eHistory.18 Pregnancy No No Indication of the possibility by the patient's history of current pregnancy.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eHistory.19 (in eHistory) |
eHistory.19 Last Oral Intake No No Date and Time of last oral intake.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eHistory.CurrentMedsGroup (in eHistory) |
Group Tag to hold info about patient's medication
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eHistory.ImmunizationsGroup (in eHistory) |
Group Tag to hold Immunization type and date
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eHistory.PractitionerGroup (in eHistory) |
Group Tag to hold info about practitioner
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eInjury (in PatientCareReport) |
Injury Information
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 11 elements |
Defined: |
eInjury.01 (in eInjury) |
eInjury.01 Cause of Injury Yes Yes The category of the reported/suspected external cause of the injury.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eInjury.02 (in eInjury) |
eInjury.02 Mechanism of Injury No Yes The mechanism of the event which caused the injury E10_03 Recommended Trauma
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eInjury.03 (in eInjury) |
eInjury.03 Trauma Center Criteria Yes Yes Physiologic and Anatomic Field Trauma Triage Criteria (steps 1 and 2) as defined by the Centers for Disease Control.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eInjury.04 (in eInjury) |
eInjury.04 Vehicular, Pedestrian, or Other Injury Risk Factor Yes Yes Mechanism and Special Considerations Field Trauma Triage Criteria (steps 3 and 4) as defined by the Centers for Disease Control.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eInjury.05 (in eInjury) |
eInjury.05 Main Area of the Vehicle Impacted by the Collision No Yes The area or location of initial impact on the vehicle based on 12-point clock diagram.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eInjury.06 (in eInjury) |
eInjury.06 Location of Patient in Vehicle No Yes The seat row location of the vehicle at the time of the crash with the front seat numbered as 1 E10_06 Optional MMUCC P6 data element
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eInjury.07 (in eInjury) |
eInjury.07 Use of Occupant Safety Equipment No Yes Safety equipment in use by the patient at the time of the injury E10_08 Recommended Trauma MMUCC P7 data element used as baseline information.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eInjury.08 (in eInjury) |
eInjury.08 Airbag Deployment No Yes Indication of Airbag Deployment E10_09 Optional MMUCC P8 data element baseline was used for this element.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eInjury.09 (in eInjury) |
eInjury.09 Height of Fall (feet) No Yes The distance in feet the patient fell, measured from the lowest point of the patient to the ground E10_10 Optional Classify same level falls as 0 feet
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eInjury.10 (in eInjury) |
eInjury.10 OSHA Personal Protective Equipment Used No No Documentation of the use of OSHA required protective equipment used by the patient at the time of injury.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eInjury.11 (in eInjury.CollisionGroup) |
eInjury.11 ACN System/Company Providing ACN Data No No The agency providing the Automated Collision Notification (ACN) Data.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eInjury.12 (in eInjury.CollisionGroup) |
eInjury.12 ACN Incident ID No No The Automated Collision Notification Incident ID.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eInjury.13 (in eInjury.CollisionGroup) |
eInjury.13 ACN Call Back Phone Number No No The Automated Collision Notification Call Back Phone Number (US Only).
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eInjury.14 (in eInjury.CollisionGroup) |
eInjury.14 Date/Time of ACN Incident No No The Automated Collision Notification Incident Date and Time.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eInjury.15 (in eInjury.CollisionGroup) |
eInjury.15 ACN Incident Location No No The Automated Collision Notification GPS Location.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eInjury.16 (in eInjury.CollisionGroup) |
eInjury.16 ACN Incident Vehicle Body Type No No The Automated Collision Notification Vehicle Body Type.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eInjury.17 (in eInjury.CollisionGroup) |
eInjury.17 ACN Incident Vehicle Manufacturer No No The Automated Collision Notification Vehicle Manufacturer (e.g.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eInjury.18 (in eInjury.CollisionGroup) |
eInjury.18 ACN Incident Vehicle Make No No The Automated Collision Notification Vehicle Make (e.g.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eInjury.19 (in eInjury.CollisionGroup) |
eInjury.19 ACN Incident Vehicle Model No No The Automated Collision Notification Vehicle Model (e.g.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eInjury.20 (in eInjury.CollisionGroup) |
eInjury.20 ACN Incident Vehicle Model Year No No The Automated Collision Notification Vehicle Model Year (e.g. 2010).
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eInjury.21 (in eInjury.CollisionGroup) |
eInjury.21 ACN Incident Multiple Impacts No No The Automated Collision Notification Indication of Multiple Impacts associated with the collision.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eInjury.22 (in eInjury.CollisionGroup) |
eInjury.22 ACN Incident Delta Velocity No No The Automated Collision Notification Delta Velocity (Delta V) force associated with the crash.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eInjury.23 (in eInjury.CollisionGroup) |
eInjury.23 ACN High Probability of Injury No No The Automated Collision Notification of the High Probability of Injury.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eInjury.24 (in eInjury.CollisionGroup) |
eInjury.24 ACN Incident PDOF No No The Automated Collision Notification Principal Direction of Force (PDOF).
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eInjury.25 (in eInjury.CollisionGroup) |
eInjury.25 ACN Incident Rollover No No The Automated Collision Notification Indication that the Vehicle Rolled Over.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eInjury.26 (in eInjury.SeatGroup) |
eInjury.26 ACN Vehicle Seat Location No No The Automated Collision Notification Indication of the Occupant(s) Seat Location(s) within the vehicle.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eInjury.27 (in eInjury.SeatGroup) |
eInjury.27 Seat Occupied No No Indication if seat is occupied based on seat sensor data.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eInjury.28 (in eInjury.SeatGroup) |
eInjury.28 ACN Incident Seatbelt Use No No The Automated Collision Notification Indication of Seatbelt use by the occupant(s).
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eInjury.29 (in eInjury.SeatGroup) |
eInjury.29 ACN Incident Airbag Deployed No No The Automated Collision Notification Indication of Airbag Deployment.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eInjury.CollisionGroup (in eInjury) |
Group Tag to hold the automated collision notification details
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eInjury.SeatGroup (in eInjury.CollisionGroup) |
Group Tag to hold the seat details
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eLabs (in PatientCareReport) |
Lab Results Information
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 1 element |
Defined: |
eLabs.01 (in eLabs.LabGroup) |
eLabs.01 Date/Time of Laboratory or Imaging Result No No The data and time for the specific laboratory result Optional DateTime consists of finite-length characters of the form: yyyy '-' mm '-' dd 'T' hh ':' mm ':' ss ('.' s+)?
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eLabs.02 (in eLabs.LabGroup) |
eLabs.02 Study/Result Prior to this Unit's EMS Care No No Indicates that the laboratory result occurred prior to this EMS units care.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eLabs.03 (in eLabs.LabResultGroup) |
eLabs.03 Laboratory Result Type No No The type of the laboratory value.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eLabs.04 (in eLabs.LabResultGroup) |
eLabs.04 Laboratory Result No No The value or result of the laboratory test (Units may vary).
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eLabs.05 (in eLabs.LabImageGroup) |
eLabs.05 Imaging Study Type No No The type of x-ray or imaging study.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eLabs.06 (in eLabs.LabImageGroup) |
eLabs.06 Imaging Study Results No No The description or interpretation of the results of the imaging study.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eLabs.07 (in eLabs.WaveformGraphicGroup) |
eLabs.07 Imaging Study File or Waveform Graphic Type No No The description of the image study file or waveform graphic stored in Imaging Study File or Waveform Graphic (eLabs.08).
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eLabs.08 (in eLabs.WaveformGraphicGroup) |
eLabs.08 Imaging Study File or Waveform Graphic No No The imaging study file.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eLabs.LabGroup (in eLabs) |
Group Tag to hold Lab information
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eLabs.LabImageGroup (in eLabs.LabGroup) |
Group Tag to hold info about imaging study or x-ray.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eLabs.LabResultGroup (in eLabs.LabGroup) |
Group Tag to hold the type of laboratory value and its result.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eLabs.WaveformGraphicGroup (in eLabs.LabImageGroup) |
Tag to hold information about the imaging study to allow for the upload of the imaging results.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eMedications (in PatientCareReport) |
Intervention Medications Information
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 1 element |
Defined: |
eMedications.01 (in eMedications.MedicationGroup) |
eMedications.01 Date/Time Medication Administered Yes Yes The date/time medication administered to the patient E18_01 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric STEMI Stroke Trauma DateTime consists of finite-length characters of the form: yyyy '-' mm '-' dd 'T' hh ':' mm ':' ss ('.' s+)?
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eMedications.02 (in eMedications.MedicationGroup) |
eMedications.02 Medication Administered Prior to this Unit's EMS Care Yes Yes Indicates that the medication administration which is documented was administered prior to this EMS units care E18_02 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric STEMI Stroke Trauma This is the NEMSIS Version 3 method to document prior aid.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eMedications.03 (in eMedications.MedicationGroup) |
eMedications.03 Medication Given Yes Yes The medication given to the patient E18_03 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric STEMI Stroke Trauma List of medications based on RxNorm (RXCUI) code.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eMedications.04 (in eMedications.MedicationGroup) |
eMedications.04 Medication Administered Route No Yes The route medication was administered to the patient E18_04 Optional This medication route list represents a sub-group of values from the Data Elements for Emergency Department Systems (DEEDS), pertaining to prehospital care.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eMedications.05 (in eMedications.DosageGroup) |
eMedications.05 Medication Dosage Yes Yes The dose or amount of the medication given to the patient E18_05 Required
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eMedications.06 (in eMedications.DosageGroup) |
eMedications.06 Medication Dosage Units Yes Yes The unit of medication dosage given to patient E18_06 Required
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eMedications.07 (in eMedications.MedicationGroup) |
eMedications.07 Response to Medication Yes Yes The patient's response to the medication E18_07 Required
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eMedications.08 (in eMedications.MedicationGroup) |
eMedications.08 Medication Complication Yes Yes Any complication (abnormal effect on the patient) associated with the administration of the medication to the patient by EMS E18_08 Required
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eMedications.09 (in eMedications.MedicationGroup) |
eMedications.09 Medication Crew (Healthcare Professionals) ID No Yes The statewide assigned ID number of the EMS crew member giving the treatment to the patient E18_09 Recommended Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric STEMI Stroke Trauma How should the state ID for an EMS professional be record when working on an event in 2 states.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eMedications.10 (in eMedications.MedicationGroup) |
eMedications.10 Role/Type of Person Administering Medication Yes Yes The type (level) of EMS or Healthcare Professional Administering the Medication.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eMedications.11 (in eMedications.MedicationGroup) |
eMedications.11 Medication Authorization No No The type of treatment authorization obtained E18_10 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eMedications.12 (in eMedications.MedicationGroup) |
eMedications.12 Medication Authorizing Physician No No The name of the authorizing physician ordering the medication administration if the order was provided by any manner other than protocol (standing order) in EMedications.11 E18_11 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eMedications.DosageGroup (in eMedications.MedicationGroup) |
Group Tag to hold info about the medication dosage given to the patient
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eMedications.MedicationGroup (in eMedications) |
Group Tag to hold eMedication information
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
EMSDataSet |
Root Tag For Dataset
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
Used: |
never |
eNarrative (in PatientCareReport) |
Call Event Narrative
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 1 element |
Defined: |
eNarrative.01 (in eNarrative) |
eNarrative.01 Patient Care Report Narrative No Yes The narrative of the patient care report (PCR).
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eOther (in PatientCareReport) |
Other Miscellaneous Information
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 7 elements |
Defined: |
eOther.01 (in eOther) |
eOther.01 Review Requested No No Indication of whether the PCR needs review by anyone.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOther.02 (in eOther) |
eOther.02 Potential System of Care/Specialty/Registry Patient No No An indication if the patient may meet the entry criteria for an injury or illness specific registry E23_02 Optional Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric STEMI Stroke Trauma
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eOther.03 (in eOther.EMSCrewMemberGroup) |
eOther.03 Personal Protective Equipment Used No No The personal protective equipment which was used by EMS personnel during this EMS patient contact.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eOther.04 (in eOther.EMSCrewMemberGroup) |
eOther.04 EMS Professional (Crew Member) ID No No The ID number of the EMS Crew Member associated with eOther.03, eOther.05, eOther.06.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOther.05 (in eOther.EMSCrewMemberGroup) |
eOther.05 Suspected EMS Work Related Exposure, Injury, or Death Yes Yes Indication of an EMS work related exposure, injury, or death associated with this EMS event.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eOther.06 (in eOther.EMSCrewMemberGroup) |
eOther.06 The Type of Work-Related Injury, Death or Suspected Exposure No Yes The type of EMS crew member work-related injury, death, or suspected exposure related to the EMS response.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eOther.07 (in eOther) |
eOther.07 Natural, Suspected, Intentional, or Unintentional Disaster No No Event caused by natural forces or Suspected and Intentional/Unintentional Disasters (terrorism).
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eOther.08 (in eOther) |
eOther.08 Crew Member Completing this Report No Yes The statewide assigned ID number of the EMS crew member which completed this patient care report E23_10 Recommended If the EMS Professional has a specific ID associated with two states, the ID used would typically be based on the EMS Agencies state license.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eOther.09 (in eOther.FileGroup) |
eOther.09 External Electronic Documents No No Document types which have been electronically stored with PCR.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOther.10 (in eOther.FileGroup) |
eOther.10 File Attachment Type No No The description of the file attachment stored in File Attachment Image (eOther.11).
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOther.11 (in eOther.FileGroup) |
eOther.11 File Attachment Image No No The file that is attached electronically to the patient care report.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOther.12 (in eOther.SignatureGroup) |
eOther.12 Type of Person Signing No No The individual's signature associated with eOther.15 (Signature Status).
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOther.13 (in eOther.SignatureGroup) |
eOther.13 Signature Reason No No The reason for the individuals signature.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOther.14 (in eOther.SignatureGroup) |
eOther.14 Type Of Patient Representative No No If Patient Representative is chosen as the owner of the signature, this documents the relationship of the individual signing to the patient.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOther.15 (in eOther.SignatureGroup) |
eOther.15 Signature Status No No Indication that a patient or patient representative signature has been collected or attempted to be collected.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOther.16 (in eOther.SignatureGroup) |
eOther.16 Signature File Name No No The name of the graphic file for the signature.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOther.17 (in eOther.SignatureGroup) |
eOther.17 Signature File Type No No The description of the file attachment stored in Signature Graphic (eOther.18).
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOther.18 (in eOther.SignatureGroup) |
eOther.18 Signature Graphic No No The graphic file for the signature.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOther.19 (in eOther.SignatureGroup) |
eOther.19 Date/Time of Signature No No The date and time the signature was captured.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOther.20 (in eOther.SignatureGroup) |
eOther.20 Signature Last Name No No The last name of the individual who signed the associated signature.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOther.21 (in eOther.SignatureGroup) |
eOther.21 Signature First Name No No The first name of the individual associated with the signature.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOther.EMSCrewMemberGroup (in eOther) |
Group Tag to hold info about the EMS Crew Member
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eOther.FileGroup (in eOther) |
Group Tag to hold document types, file information and other information.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eOther.SignatureGroup (in eOther) |
Group Tag to hold signature details
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eOutcome (in PatientCareReport) |
Patient Outcome Information
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 15 elements |
Defined: |
eOutcome.01 (in eOutcome) |
eOutcome.01 Emergency Department Disposition Yes Yes The known disposition of the patient from the Emergency Department (ED) E22_01 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric STEMI Stroke Trauma The list of values and codes is based on and in compliance with the Medicare Claims Processing Manual Chapter 25 Completing and Processing the Form CMS-1450 Data Set, referencing the Uniform Bill - Form CMS-1450 (UB-04) and the FL 17 - Patient Discharge Status Required.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eOutcome.02 (in eOutcome) |
eOutcome.02 Hospital Disposition Yes Yes The known disposition of the patient from the hospital, if admitted.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eOutcome.03 (in eOutcome.ExternalDataGroup) |
eOutcome.03 External Report ID/Number Type No No The Type of External Report or Record associated with the Report/ID Number.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOutcome.04 (in eOutcome.ExternalDataGroup) |
eOutcome.04 External Report ID/Number No No The ID or Number of the external report or record in eOutcome.03.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOutcome.05 (in eOutcome.ExternalDataGroup) |
eOutcome.05 Other Report Registry Type No No The type of external report/registry that was documented as "other" in eOutcome.03 Optional This element should be used only when other-report or other-registry is used eOutcome.03.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOutcome.06 (in eOutcome) |
eOutcome.06 Emergency Department Chief Complaint No No The patient's reason for seeking care or attention, expressed in the terms as close as possible to those used by the patient or responsible informant.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOutcome.07 (in eOutcome) |
eOutcome.07 First ED Systolic Blood Pressure No No The first recorded Emergency Department Systolic Blood Pressure.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOutcome.08 (in eOutcome) |
eOutcome.08 Emergency Department Recorded Cause of Injury No No The documented cause of injury from the emergency department record.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOutcome.09 (in eOutcome) |
eOutcome.09 Emergency Department Procedures No No The procedures performed on the patient during the emergency department visit.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eOutcome.10 (in eOutcome) |
eOutcome.10 Emergency Department Diagnosis No No The practitioner's description of the condition or problem for which Emergency Department services were provided.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eOutcome.11 (in eOutcome) |
eOutcome.11 Date/Time of Hospital Admission No No The date and time the patient was admitted to the hospital.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOutcome.12 (in eOutcome) |
eOutcome.12 Hospital Procedures No No Hospital Procedures performed on the patient during the hospital admission.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eOutcome.13 (in eOutcome) |
eOutcome.13 Hospital Diagnosis No No The hospital diagnosis of the patient associated with the hospital admission.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eOutcome.14 (in eOutcome) |
eOutcome.14 Total ICU Length of Stay No No The total number of patient days in any ICU (including all ICU episodes).
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOutcome.15 (in eOutcome) |
eOutcome.15 Total Ventilator Days No No The total number of patient days spend on a mechanical ventilator (excluding time in the operating room).
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOutcome.16 (in eOutcome) |
eOutcome.16 Date/Time of Hospital Discharge No No The date the patient was discharged from the hospital.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOutcome.17 (in eOutcome) |
eOutcome.17 Outcome at Hospital Discharge No No The patient's functional status at time of hospital discharge.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eOutcome.ExternalDataGroup (in eOutcome) |
Group Tag to hold information about external report or record
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePatient (in PatientCareReport) |
Patient Information
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 18 elements |
Defined: |
ePatient.01 (in ePatient) |
ePatient.01 EMS Patient ID No No The unique ID for the patient within the Agency Optional This has been inserted to allow each patient to be tracked across multiple PCRs within an EMS Agency.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePatient.02 (in ePatient.PatientNameGroup) |
ePatient.02 Last Name No Yes The patient's last (family) name E06_01 Recommended Pertinent negatives accepted with option of "Unable to Complete" or "Refused".
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePatient.03 (in ePatient.PatientNameGroup) |
ePatient.03 First Name No Yes The patient's first (given) name E06_02 Recommended Pertinent negatives accepted with option of "Unable to Complete" or "Refused".
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePatient.04 (in ePatient.PatientNameGroup) |
ePatient.04 Middle Initial/Name No No The patient's middle name, if any E06_03 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePatient.05 (in ePatient) |
ePatient.05 Patient's Home Address No Yes Patient's address of residence E06_04 Optional This is a CMS standard.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePatient.06 (in ePatient) |
ePatient.06 Patient's Home City No Yes The patient's primary city or township of residence.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePatient.07 (in ePatient) |
ePatient.07 Patient's Home County Yes Yes The patient's home county or parish of residence.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePatient.08 (in ePatient) |
ePatient.08 Patient's Home State Yes Yes The state, territory, or province where the patient resides.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePatient.09 (in ePatient) |
ePatient.09 Patient's Home ZIP Code Yes Yes The patient's ZIP code of residence.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePatient.10 (in ePatient) |
ePatient.10 Patient's Home Country No Yes The country of residence of the patient.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePatient.11 (in ePatient) |
ePatient.11 Patient Home Census Tract No No The census tract in which the patient lives Optional Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Response STEMI Stroke Trauma This data element was added to better document the service area of the EMS Agency.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePatient.12 (in ePatient) |
ePatient.12 Social Security Number No No The patient's social security number E06_10 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePatient.13 (in ePatient) |
ePatient.13 Gender Yes Yes The Patient's Gender E06_11 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Response STEMI Stroke Trauma
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePatient.14 (in ePatient) |
ePatient.14 Race Yes Yes The patient's race as defined by the OMB (US Office of Management and Budget) E06_12 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Response STEMI Stroke Trauma OMB requirements are provided at: .
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePatient.15 (in ePatient.AgeGroup) |
ePatient.15 Age Yes Yes The patient's age (either calculated from date of birth or best approximation) E06_14 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Response STEMI Stroke Trauma
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePatient.16 (in ePatient.AgeGroup) |
ePatient.16 Age Units Yes Yes The unit used to define the patient's age E06_15 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Response STEMI Stroke Trauma
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePatient.17 (in ePatient) |
ePatient.17 Date of Birth No Yes The patient's date of birth E06_16 Recommended Yes
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePatient.18 (in ePatient) |
ePatient.18 Patient's Phone Number No No The patient's phone number E06_17 Optional This element contains an attribute to define what type of phone number is being documented i.e.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePatient.19 (in ePatient) |
ePatient.19 Patient's Email Address No No The email address of the patient Optional Added to improve follow-up and billing communication.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePatient.20 (in ePatient) |
ePatient.20 State Issuing Driver's License No No The state that issued the drivers license E06_18 Optional Stored as the ANSI State Code.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePatient.21 (in ePatient) |
ePatient.21 Driver's License Number No No The patient's drivers license number E06_19 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePatient.AgeGroup (in ePatient) |
Group Tag to hold patient's age information
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePatient.PatientNameGroup (in ePatient) |
Group Tag to hold patient's name
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePayment (in PatientCareReport) |
Insurance/Payment Information
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 22 elements |
Defined: |
ePayment.01 (in ePayment) |
ePayment.01 Primary Method of Payment Yes Yes The primary method of payment or type of insurance associated with this EMS encounter E07_01 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Response STEMI Stroke Trauma
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePayment.02 (in ePayment.CertificateGroup) |
ePayment.02 Physician Certification Statement No No Indication of whether a physician certification statement (PCS) is available documenting the medical necessity or the EMS encounter.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.03 (in ePayment.CertificateGroup) |
ePayment.03 Date Physician Certification Statement Signed No No The date the Physician Certification Statement was signed Optional Added to assist in billing documentation.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.04 (in ePayment.CertificateGroup) |
ePayment.04 Reason for Physician Certification Statement No No The reason for EMS transport noted on the Physician Certification Statement Optional Added to assist in billing documentation.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePayment.05 (in ePayment.CertificateGroup) |
ePayment.05 Healthcare Provider Type Signing Physician Certification Statement No No The type of healthcare provider who signed the Physician Certification Statement Optional CMS defines the individual signing the PCS as a person who has personal knowledge of the beneficiary's condition at the time the ambulance transport is ordered or the service is furnished.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.06 (in ePayment.CertificateGroup) |
ePayment.06 Last Name of Individual Signing Physician Certification Statement No No The last name of the healthcare provider who signed the Physician Certification Statement.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.07 (in ePayment.CertificateGroup) |
ePayment.07 First Name of Individual Signing Physician Certification Statement No No The first name of the healthcare provider who signed the Physician Certification Statement.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.08 (in ePayment) |
ePayment.08 Patient Resides in Service Area No No An indication of whether the patient's current residence is within the EMS agency service area.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.09 (in ePayment.InsuranceGroup) |
ePayment.09 Insurance Company ID No No The ID Number of the patient's insurance company.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.10 (in ePayment.InsuranceGroup) |
ePayment.10 Insurance Company Name No No The name of the patient's insurance company.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.11 (in ePayment.InsuranceGroup) |
ePayment.11 Insurance Company Billing Priority No No The billing priority or order for the insurance company.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.12 (in ePayment.InsuranceGroup) |
ePayment.12 Insurance Company Address No No The mailing address of the Insurance Company E07_05 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePayment.13 (in ePayment.InsuranceGroup) |
ePayment.13 Insurance Company City No No The insurance company's city or township used for mailing purposes.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.14 (in ePayment.InsuranceGroup) |
ePayment.14 Insurance Company State No No The insurance company's state, territory, or province, or District of Columbia.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.15 (in ePayment.InsuranceGroup) |
ePayment.15 Insurance Company ZIP Code No No The insurance company's ZIP Code E07_08 Optional ZIP Codes Product Website: <a></a> <br/>Product: USA - 5-digit ZIP Code Database, Commercial Edition
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.16 (in ePayment.InsuranceGroup) |
ePayment.16 Insurance Company Country No No The insurance company's country Optional Based on the ISO Country Code.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.17 (in ePayment.InsuranceGroup) |
ePayment.17 Insurance Group ID/Name No No The ID number or name of the patient's insurance group E07_09 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.18 (in ePayment.InsuranceGroup) |
ePayment.18 Insurance Policy ID Number No No The ID number of the patient's insurance policy E07_10 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.19 (in ePayment.InsuranceGroup) |
ePayment.19 Last Name of the Insured No No The last (family) name of the person insured by the insurance company.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.20 (in ePayment.InsuranceGroup) |
ePayment.20 First Name of the Insured No No The first (given) name of the person insured by the insurance company E07_12 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.21 (in ePayment.InsuranceGroup) |
ePayment.21 Middle Initial/Name of the Insured No No The middle name, if any, of the person insured by the insurance company.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.22 (in ePayment.InsuranceGroup) |
ePayment.22 Relationship to the Insured No No The relationship of the patient to the primary insured person E07_14 Optional Descriptors are consistent with X12 Loop 2000C PAT01, Specifies the patient's relationship to the person insured.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.23 (in ePayment.ClosestRelativeGroup) |
ePayment.23 Closest Relative/Guardian Last Name No No The last (family) name of the patient's closest relative or guardian E07_18 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.24 (in ePayment.ClosestRelativeGroup) |
ePayment.24 Closest Relative/ Guardian First Name No No The first (given) name of the patient's closest relative or guardian E07_19 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.25 (in ePayment.ClosestRelativeGroup) |
ePayment.25 Closest Relative/ Guardian Middle Initial/Name No No The middle name/initial, if any, of the closest patient's relative or guardian.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.26 (in ePayment.ClosestRelativeGroup) |
ePayment.26 Closest Relative/ Guardian Street Address No No The street address of the residence of the patient's closest relative or guardian.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePayment.27 (in ePayment.ClosestRelativeGroup) |
ePayment.27 Closest Relative/ Guardian City No No The primary city or township of residence of the patient's closest relative or guardian.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.28 (in ePayment.ClosestRelativeGroup) |
ePayment.28 Closest Relative/ Guardian State No No The state of residence of the patient's closest relative or guardian.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.29 (in ePayment.ClosestRelativeGroup) |
ePayment.29 Closest Relative/ Guardian ZIP Code No No The ZIP Code of the residence of the patient's closest relative or guardian.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.30 (in ePayment.ClosestRelativeGroup) |
ePayment.30 Closest Relative/ Guardian Country No No The country of residence of the patient's closest relative or guardian.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.31 (in ePayment.ClosestRelativeGroup) |
ePayment.31 Closest Relative/ Guardian Phone Number No No The phone number of the patient's closest relative or guardian E07_25 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePayment.32 (in ePayment.ClosestRelativeGroup) |
ePayment.32 Closest Relative/ Guardian Relationship No No The relationship of the patient's closest relative or guardian E07_26 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.33 (in ePayment.EmployerGroup) |
ePayment.33 Patient's Employer No No The patient's employers Name E07_27 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.34 (in ePayment.EmployerGroup) |
ePayment.34 Patient's Employer's Address No No The street address of the patient's employer E07_28 Optional This element allows for a two line documentation of the address.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePayment.35 (in ePayment.EmployerGroup) |
ePayment.35 Patient's Employer's City No No The city or township of the patient's employer used for mailing purposes.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.36 (in ePayment.EmployerGroup) |
ePayment.36 Patient's Employer's State No No The state of the patient's employer E07_30 Optional Based on ANSI State Code.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.37 (in ePayment.EmployerGroup) |
ePayment.37 Patient's Employer's ZIP Code No No The ZIP Code of the patient's employer E07_31 Optional ZIP Codes Product Website: <a></a> <br/>Product: USA - 5-digit ZIP Code Database, Commercial Edition
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.38 (in ePayment.EmployerGroup) |
ePayment.38 Patient's Employer's Country No No The country of the patient's employer Optional Based on the ISO Country Code.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.39 (in ePayment.EmployerGroup) |
ePayment.39 Patient's Employer's Primary Phone Number No No The employer's primary phone number.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePayment.40 (in ePayment) |
ePayment.40 Response Urgency No No The urgency in which the EMS agency began to mobilize resources for this EMS encounter.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.41 (in ePayment) |
ePayment.41 Patient Transport Assessment No No Documentation of the patient's transport need based on mobility and/or physical capability.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePayment.42 (in ePayment) |
ePayment.42 Specialty Care Transport Care Provider No No Documentation to show the patient care provided to the patient met the Specialty Care Transport Base Rate requirements.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePayment.43 (in ePayment) |
ePayment.43 Ambulance Transport Code No No Yes Indicator about the type of transport of the patient.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.44 (in ePayment) |
ePayment.44 Ambulance Transport Reason Code No No The CMS Ambulance Transport Reason Code for the transport.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePayment.45 (in ePayment) |
ePayment.45 Round Trip Purpose Description No No Free text description providing the purpose of the round trip EMS transport based on CR109 field for CMS.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.46 (in ePayment) |
ePayment.46 Stretcher Purpose Description No No Free Text Documentation providing the reason for use of a stretcher in the EMS patient transport.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.47 (in ePayment) |
ePayment.47 Ambulance Conditions Indicator No No Documentation of the CRC03 through CRC07 requirements for CMS billing using X12 transactions.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePayment.48 (in ePayment) |
ePayment.48 Mileage to Closest Hospital Facility No No The mileage to the closest hospital facility from the scene.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.49 (in ePayment) |
ePayment.49 ALS Assessment Performed and Warranted No No Documentation that the patient required an ALS assessment and it was performed.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.50 (in ePayment) |
ePayment.50 CMS Service Level Yes Yes The CMS service level for this EMS encounter.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePayment.51 (in ePayment) |
ePayment.51 EMS Condition Code No No The condition code associated with the CMS EMS negotiated rule-making process.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePayment.52 (in ePayment) |
ePayment.52 CMS Transportation Indicator No No The CMS Ambulance Fee Schedule Transportation and Air Medical Transportation Indicators are used to better describe why it was necessary for the patient to be transported in a particular way or circumstance.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePayment.53 (in ePayment) |
ePayment.53 Transport Authorization Code No No Prior authorization code provided by the insurance carrier/payer.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.54 (in ePayment) |
ePayment.54 Prior Authorization Code Payer No No The Payer who has provided the Prior Authorization Code.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.55 (in ePayment.SupplyItemGroup) |
ePayment.55 Supply Item Used Name No No The name of the supply used on the patient by the EMS Crew during the EMS event.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.56 (in ePayment.SupplyItemGroup) |
ePayment.56 Number of Supply Item(s) Used No No The number of the specific supply item used on the patient by the EMS Crew during the EMS event.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ePayment.CertificateGroup (in ePayment) |
Group Tag to hold Certification information
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePayment.ClosestRelativeGroup (in ePayment) |
Group Tag to hold information about patient's relative or guardian
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePayment.EmployerGroup (in ePayment) |
Group Tag to hold information about patient's employer
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePayment.InsuranceGroup (in ePayment) |
Group Tag to hold information about the insurance company
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
ePayment.SupplyItemGroup (in ePayment) |
Group Tag to hold information about the supply used on the patient by the EMS Crew during the EMS event.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eProcedures (in PatientCareReport) |
Intervention Procedures Information
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 1 element |
Defined: |
eProcedures.01 (in eProcedures.ProcedureGroup) |
eProcedures.01 Date/Time Procedure Performed Yes Yes The date/time the procedure was performed on the patient E19_01 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric STEMI Stroke Trauma DateTime consists of finite-length characters of the form: yyyy '-' mm '-' dd 'T' hh ':' mm ':' ss ('.' s+)?
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eProcedures.02 (in eProcedures.ProcedureGroup) |
eProcedures.02 Procedure Performed Prior to this Unit's EMS Care Yes Yes Indicates that the procedure which was performed and documented was performed prior to this EMS units care.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eProcedures.03 (in eProcedures.ProcedureGroup) |
eProcedures.03 Procedure Yes Yes The procedure performed on the patient.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eProcedures.04 (in eProcedures.ProcedureGroup) |
eProcedures.04 Size of Procedure Equipment No No The size of the equipment used in the procedure on the patient E19_04 Optional Need business logic to require detail of size appropriate for the procedure.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eProcedures.05 (in eProcedures.ProcedureGroup) |
eProcedures.05 Number of Procedure Attempts Yes Yes The number of attempts taken to complete a procedure or intervention regardless of success.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eProcedures.06 (in eProcedures.ProcedureGroup) |
eProcedures.06 Procedure Successful Yes Yes Indicates that this procedure attempt which was performed on the patient was successful E19_06 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric STEMI Stroke Trauma
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eProcedures.07 (in eProcedures.ProcedureGroup) |
eProcedures.07 Procedure Complication Yes Yes Any complication (abnormal effect on the patient) associated with the performance of the procedure on the patient E19_07 Required Airway Pediatric Trauma
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eProcedures.08 (in eProcedures.ProcedureGroup) |
eProcedures.08 Response to Procedure Yes Yes The patient's response to the procedure E19_08 Required
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eProcedures.09 (in eProcedures.ProcedureGroup) |
eProcedures.09 Procedure Crew Members ID No Yes The statewide assigned ID number of the EMS crew member performing the procedure on the patient E19_09 Recommended Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric STEMI Stroke Trauma For an incident that occurs in multiple states, the certification ID number the EMS agency would typically use is based on the EMS agency's state license specific to each EMS professional.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eProcedures.10 (in eProcedures.ProcedureGroup) |
eProcedures.10 Role/Type of Person Performing the Procedure Yes Yes The type (level) of EMS or Healthcare Professional performing the procedure.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eProcedures.11 (in eProcedures.ProcedureGroup) |
eProcedures.11 Procedure Authorization No No The type of treatment authorization obtained E19_10 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eProcedures.12 (in eProcedures.ProcedureGroup) |
eProcedures.12 Procedure Authorizing Physician No No The name of the authorizing physician ordering the procedure, if the order was provided by any manner other than protocol (standing order) in eProcedures.11 E19_11 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eProcedures.13 (in eProcedures.ProcedureGroup) |
eProcedures.13 Vascular Access Location No Yes The location of the vascular access site attempt on the patient, if applicable.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eProcedures.ProcedureGroup (in eProcedures) |
Group Tag to hold eProcedures information
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eProtocols (in PatientCareReport) |
Medical Protocols Information
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 1 element |
Defined: |
eProtocols.01 (in eProtocols.ProtocolGroup) |
eProtocols.01 Protocols Used Yes Yes The protocol used by EMS personnel to direct the clinical care of the patient E17_01 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Response STEMI Stroke Trauma Protocols are grouped into Airway, Environmental, Exposure, General, Injury, Medical, and OB/GYN.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eProtocols.02 (in eProtocols.ProtocolGroup) |
eProtocols.02 Protocol Age Category Yes Yes The age group the protocol is written to address Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Response STEMI Stroke Trauma Protocols are grouped into Airway, Environmental, Exposure, General, Injury, Medical, and OB/GYN.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eProtocols.ProtocolGroup (in eProtocols) |
Group Tag to hold eProtocol information
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eRecord (in PatientCareReport) |
Patient Record Information
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 2 elements |
Defined: |
eRecord.01 (in eRecord) |
eRecord.01 Patient Care Report Number Yes Yes The unique number automatically assigned by the EMS agency for each Patient Care Report (PCR).
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eRecord.02 (in eRecord.SoftwareApplicationGroup) |
eRecord.02 Software Creator Yes Yes The name of the vendor, manufacturer, and developer who designed the application that created this record.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eRecord.03 (in eRecord.SoftwareApplicationGroup) |
eRecord.03 Software Name Yes Yes The name of the application used to create this record.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eRecord.04 (in eRecord.SoftwareApplicationGroup) |
eRecord.04 Software Version Yes Yes The version of the application used to create this record.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eRecord.SoftwareApplicationGroup (in eRecord) |
Group Tag to hold information about the software used to generate patient care report
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eResponse (in PatientCareReport) |
Unit Agency Information
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 22 elements |
Defined: |
eResponse.01 (in eResponse.AgencyGroup) |
eResponse.01 EMS Agency Number Yes Yes The state-assigned provider number of the responding agency E02_01 Mandatory Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Response STEMI Stroke Trauma The EMS Agency Number in eResponse.01 can auto-populate from dAgency.02 EMS Agency Number in the demographic section.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eResponse.02 (in eResponse.AgencyGroup) |
eResponse.02 EMS Agency Name No Yes EMS Agency Name Recommended Added to better identify the EMS Agency associated with the EMS event.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eResponse.03 (in eResponse) |
eResponse.03 Incident Number Yes Yes The incident number assigned by the 911 Dispatch System E02_02 Required This number can be used to associate multiple EMS responses, dispatch information, and other information to the same EMS event or patient.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eResponse.04 (in eResponse) |
eResponse.04 EMS Response Number Yes Yes The internal EMS response number which is unique for each EMS Vehicle's (Unit) response to an incident within an EMS Agency.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eResponse.05 (in eResponse.ServiceGroup) |
eResponse.05 Type of Service Requested Yes Yes The type of service or category of service requested of the EMS Agency responding for this specific EMS event E02_04 Mandatory Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Response STEMI Stroke Trauma "Interfacility Transfer" has been changed to "Interfacility Transport.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eResponse.06 (in eResponse.ServiceGroup) |
eResponse.06 Standby Purpose No No The main reason the EMS Unit is on Standby as the Primary Type of Service for the EMS event.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eResponse.07 (in eResponse) |
eResponse.07 Primary Role of the Unit Yes Yes The primary role of the EMS Unit which responded to this specific EMS event E02_05 Mandatory Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Response STEMI Stroke Trauma Supervisor clarified to Administrative Only.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eResponse.08 (in eResponse) |
eResponse.08 Type of Dispatch Delay Yes Yes The dispatch delays, if any, associated with the dispatch of the EMS unit to the EMS event.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eResponse.09 (in eResponse) |
eResponse.09 Type of Response Delay Yes Yes The response delays, if any, of the EMS unit associated with the EMS event.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eResponse.10 (in eResponse) |
eResponse.10 Type of Scene Delay Yes Yes The scene delays, if any, of the EMS unit associated with the EMS event.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eResponse.11 (in eResponse) |
eResponse.11 Type of Transport Delay Yes Yes The transport delays, if any, of the EMS unit associated with the EMS event.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eResponse.12 (in eResponse) |
eResponse.12 Type of Turn-Around Delay Yes Yes The turn-around delays, if any, of EMS unit associated with the EMS event.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eResponse.13 (in eResponse) |
eResponse.13 EMS Vehicle (Unit) Number Yes Yes The unique physical vehicle number of the responding unit.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eResponse.14 (in eResponse) |
eResponse.14 EMS Unit Call Sign Yes Yes The EMS unit number used to dispatch and communicate with the unit.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eResponse.15 (in eResponse) |
eResponse.15 Level of Care of This Unit Yes Yes The level of care (BLS or ALS) the unit is able to provide based on the units' treatment capabilities for this EMS response.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eResponse.16 (in eResponse) |
eResponse.16 Vehicle Dispatch Location No No The EMS Location or healthcare facility name representing the geographic location of the vehicle at the time of dispatch.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eResponse.17 (in eResponse) |
eResponse.17 Vehicle Dispatch GPS Location No No The GPS coordinates associated with the EMS unit at the time of dispatch documented in decimal degrees.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eResponse.18 (in eResponse) |
eResponse.18 Vehicle Dispatch US National Grid Location No No The US National Grid Coordinates for the EMS Vehicle's Dispatch Location.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eResponse.19 (in eResponse) |
eResponse.19 Beginning Odometer Reading of Responding Vehicle No Yes The mileage (counter or odometer reading) of the vehicle at the beginning of the call (when the wheels begin moving).
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eResponse.20 (in eResponse) |
eResponse.20 On-Scene Odometer Reading of Responding Vehicle No Yes The mileage (counter or odometer reading) of the vehicle when it arrives at the scene.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eResponse.21 (in eResponse) |
eResponse.21 Patient Destination Odometer Reading of Responding Vehicle No Yes The mileage (counter or odometer reading) of the vehicle when it arrives at the patient's destination.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eResponse.22 (in eResponse) |
eResponse.22 Ending Odometer Reading of Responding Vehicle No Yes If using a counter, this is the mileage traveled beginning with dispatch through the transport of the patient to their destination and ending when back in service, starting from 0.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eResponse.23 (in eResponse) |
eResponse.23 Response Mode to Scene Yes Yes The indication whether the response was emergent or non-emergent.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eResponse.24 (in eResponse) |
eResponse.24 Additional Response Mode Descriptors Yes Yes The documentation of response mode techniques used for this EMS response.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eResponse.AgencyGroup (in eResponse) |
Group Tag to hold EMS agency number and name
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eResponse.ServiceGroup (in eResponse) |
Group Tag to hold details about EMS category of service and the stand by reason
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eScene (in PatientCareReport) |
Incident Scene Information
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 21 elements |
Defined: |
eScene.01 (in eScene) |
eScene.01 First EMS Unit on Scene Yes Yes Documentation that this EMS Unit was the first EMS Unit for the EMS Agency on the Scene Required Added to improve the evaluation of Response Times when multiple EMS units are responding to the same scene.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eScene.02 (in eScene.ResponderGroup) |
eScene.02 Other EMS or Public Safety Agencies at Scene No No Other EMS agency names that were at the scene, if any E08_01 Optional
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eScene.03 (in eScene.ResponderGroup) |
eScene.03 Other EMS or Public Safety Agency ID Number No No The ID number for the EMS Agency or Other Public Safety listed in eScene.02 Optional The ID should be the state ID (license number) for the EMS agency or ID number for the law enforcement.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eScene.04 (in eScene.ResponderGroup) |
eScene.04 Type of Other Service at Scene No No The type of public safety or EMS service associated with Other Agencies on Scene E08_02 Optional Associated with each Other Service in eScene.02
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eScene.05 (in eScene) |
eScene.05 Date/Time Initial Responder Arrived on Scene No No The time that the initial responder arrived on the scene, if applicable.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eScene.06 (in eScene) |
eScene.06 Number of Patients at Scene Yes Yes Indicator of how many total patients were at the scene E08_05 Required
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eScene.07 (in eScene) |
eScene.07 Mass Casualty Incident Yes Yes Indicator if this event would be considered a mass casualty incident (overwhelmed existing EMS resources) E08_06 Required Trauma
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eScene.08 (in eScene) |
eScene.08 Triage Classification for MCI Patient Yes Yes The color associated with the initial triage assessment/classification of the MCI patient.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eScene.09 (in eScene) |
eScene.09 Incident Location Type Yes Yes The kind of location where the incident happened E08_07 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Response STEMI Stroke Trauma Code list is represented in ICD-10-CM.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eScene.10 (in eScene) |
eScene.10 Incident Facility Code No Yes The state, regulatory, or other unique number (code) associated with the facility if the Incident is a Healthcare Facility.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eScene.11 (in eScene) |
eScene.11 Scene GPS Location No Yes The GPS coordinates associated with the Scene.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eScene.12 (in eScene) |
eScene.12 Scene US National Grid Coordinates No Yes The US National Grid Coordinates for the Scene.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eScene.13 (in eScene) |
eScene.13 Incident Facility or Location Name No Yes The name of the facility, business, building, etc. associated with the scene of the EMS event.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eScene.14 (in eScene) |
eScene.14 Mile Post or Major Roadway No Yes The mile post or major roadway associated with the incident locations Recommended
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eScene.15 (in eScene) |
eScene.15 Incident Street Address No Yes The street address where the patient was found, or, if no patient, the address to which the unit responded.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eScene.16 (in eScene) |
eScene.16 Incident Apartment, Suite, or Room No Yes The number of the specific apartment, suite, or room where the incident occurred.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eScene.17 (in eScene) |
eScene.17 Incident City No Yes The city or township (if applicable) where the patient was found or to which the unit responded (or best approximation) E08_12 Recommended City codes are based on GNIS Feature Class.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eScene.18 (in eScene) |
eScene.18 Incident State Yes Yes The state, territory, or province where the patient was found or to which the unit responded (or best approximation) E08_14 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Response STEMI Stroke Trauma Based on the ANSI State Code.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eScene.19 (in eScene) |
eScene.19 Incident ZIP Code Yes Yes The ZIP code of the incident location E08_15 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Response STEMI Stroke Trauma ZIP Codes Product Website: <a></a> <br/>Product: USA - 5-digit ZIP Code Database, Commercial Edition
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eScene.20 (in eScene) |
eScene.20 Scene Cross Street or Directions No Yes The nearest cross street to the incident address or directions from a recognized landmark or the second street name of an intersection.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eScene.21 (in eScene) |
eScene.21 Incident County Yes Yes The county or parish where the patient was found or to which the unit responded (or best approximation) E08_13 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Response STEMI Stroke Trauma Based on the ANSI Code Single Choice based on the County Name but stored as the ANSI code (combined 5 digit State and County codes) Should be required if there is a patient associated with the event.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eScene.22 (in eScene) |
eScene.22 Incident Country No No The country of the incident location.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eScene.23 (in eScene) |
eScene.23 Incident Census Tract No No The census tract in which the incident occurred.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eScene.ResponderGroup (in eScene) |
Group Tag to hold info from all responders to the scene.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eSituation (in PatientCareReport) |
Situation Information
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 12 elements |
Defined: |
eSituation.01 (in eSituation) |
eSituation.01 Date/Time of Symptom Onset/Last Normal Yes Yes The date and time the symptom began as it relates to this EMS event.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eSituation.02 (in eSituation) |
eSituation.02 Possible Injury Yes Yes Indication whether or not there was an injury E09_04 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric Response STEMI Stroke Trauma This data element provides documentation to classify the EMS Reason for Encounter as either injury or non-injury related based on mechanism and not on actual injury. eSituation.02 (Possible Injury), eSituation.09 (Primary Symptom), eSituation.07 (Chief Complaint Anatomic Location), and eSituation.08 (Chief Complaint Organ System) are grouped together to form the EMS Reason for Encounter.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eSituation.03 (in eSituation.PatientComplaintGroup) |
eSituation.03 Complaint Type No Yes The type of patient healthcare complaint being documented.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eSituation.04 (in eSituation.PatientComplaintGroup) |
eSituation.04 Complaint No Yes The statement of the problem by the patient or the history provider.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eSituation.05 (in eSituation.PatientComplaintGroup) |
eSituation.05 Duration of Complaint No Yes The duration of the complaint E09_06 Recommended Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric STEMI Stroke Trauma Associated with eSituation.06 (Time Units of Duration of the Complaint).
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eSituation.06 (in eSituation.PatientComplaintGroup) |
eSituation.06 Time Units of Duration of Complaint No Yes The time units of the duration of the patient's complaint E09_07 Recommended Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric STEMI Stroke Trauma Associated with eSituation.05 (Duration of the Complaint).
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eSituation.07 (in eSituation) |
eSituation.07 Chief Complaint Anatomic Location Yes Yes The primary anatomic location of the chief complaint as identified by EMS personnel E09_11 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric STEMI Stroke Trauma eSituation.02 (Possible Injury), eSituation.09 (Primary Symptom), eSituation.07 (Chief Complaint Anatomic Location), and eSituation.08 (Chief Complaint Organ System) are grouped together to form the EMS Reason for Encounter.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eSituation.08 (in eSituation) |
eSituation.08 Chief Complaint Organ System Yes Yes The primary organ system of the patient injured or medically affected.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eSituation.09 (in eSituation) |
eSituation.09 Primary Symptom Yes Yes The primary sign and symptom present in the patient or observed by EMS personnel E09_13 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric STEMI Stroke Trauma eSituation.02 (Possible Injury), eSituation.09 (Primary Symptom), eSituation.07 (Chief Complaint Anatomic Location), and eSituation.08 (Chief Complaint Organ System) are grouped together to form the EMS Reason for Encounter.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eSituation.10 (in eSituation) |
eSituation.10 Other Associated Symptoms Yes Yes Other symptoms identified by the patient or observed by EMS personnel E09_14 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric STEMI Stroke Trauma Code list is represented in ICD-10-CM.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eSituation.11 (in eSituation) |
eSituation.11 Provider's Primary Impression Yes Yes The EMS personnel's impression of the patient's primary problem or most significant condition which led to the management given to the patient (treatments, medications, or procedures).
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eSituation.12 (in eSituation) |
eSituation.12 Provider's Secondary Impressions Yes Yes The EMS personnel's impression of the patient's secondary problem or most significant condition which led to the management given to the patient (treatments, medications, or procedures).
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eSituation.13 (in eSituation) |
eSituation.13 Initial Patient Acuity Yes Yes The acuity of the patient's condition upon EMS arrival at the scene.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eSituation.14 (in eSituation.WorkRelatedGroup) |
eSituation.14 Work-Related Illness/Injury No Yes Indication of whether or not the illness or injury is work related.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eSituation.15 (in eSituation.WorkRelatedGroup) |
eSituation.15 Patient's Occupational Industry No No The occupational industry of the patient's work.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eSituation.16 (in eSituation.WorkRelatedGroup) |
eSituation.16 Patient's Occupation No No The occupation of the patient.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eSituation.17 (in eSituation) |
eSituation.17 Patient Activity No Yes The activity the patient was involved in at the time the patient experienced the onset of symptoms or experienced an injury.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eSituation.PatientComplaintGroup (in eSituation) |
Group Tag to hold information about patient's complaint
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eSituation.WorkRelatedGroup (in eSituation) |
Group Tag to hold patient details if the illness or injury is work related
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eState (in EMSDataSet) |
State Required Elements
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 1 element |
Defined: |
eState.01 (in eState) |
eState.01 State Required Element No No Indicates which elements are required by the state Optional This element was created to document elements required by the state.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eTimes (in PatientCareReport) |
Call Event Times Information
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 16 elements |
Defined: |
eTimes.01 (in eTimes) |
eTimes.01 PSAP Call Date/Time Yes Yes The date/time the phone rings (911 call to public safety answering point or other designated entity) requesting EMS services.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eTimes.02 (in eTimes) |
eTimes.02 Dispatch Notified Date/Time No No The date/time dispatch was notified by the 911 call taker (if a separate entity).
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eTimes.03 (in eTimes) |
eTimes.03 Unit Notified by Dispatch Date/Time Yes Yes The date/time the responding unit was notified by dispatch.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eTimes.04 (in eTimes) |
eTimes.04 Dispatch Acknowledged Date/Time No No The date/time the dispatch was acknowledged by the EMS Unit.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eTimes.05 (in eTimes) |
eTimes.05 Unit En Route Date/Time Yes Yes The date/time the unit responded; that is, the time the vehicle started moving.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eTimes.06 (in eTimes) |
eTimes.06 Unit Arrived on Scene Date/Time Yes Yes The date/time the responding unit arrived on the scene; that is, the time the vehicle stopped moving at the scene.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eTimes.07 (in eTimes) |
eTimes.07 Arrived at Patient Date/Time Yes Yes The date/time the responding unit arrived at the patient's side.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eTimes.08 (in eTimes) |
eTimes.08 Transfer of EMS Patient Care Date/Time No Yes The date/time the patient was transferred from this EMS agency to another EMS agency for care.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eTimes.09 (in eTimes) |
eTimes.09 Unit Left Scene Date/Time Yes Yes The date/time the responding unit left the scene with a patient (started moving).
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eTimes.10 (in eTimes) |
eTimes.10 Arrival at Destination Landing Area Date/Time No No The date/time the Air Medical vehicle arrived at the destination landing area.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eTimes.11 (in eTimes) |
eTimes.11 Patient Arrived at Destination Date/Time Yes Yes The date/time the responding unit arrived with the patient at the destination or transfer point.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eTimes.12 (in eTimes) |
eTimes.12 Destination Patient Transfer of Care Date/Time Yes Yes The date/time that patient care was transferred to the destination healthcare facilities staff.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eTimes.13 (in eTimes) |
eTimes.13 Unit Back in Service Date/Time Yes Yes The date/time the unit back was back in service and available for response (finished with call, but not necessarily back in home location).
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eTimes.14 (in eTimes) |
eTimes.14 Unit Canceled Date/Time No Yes The date/time the unit was canceled.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eTimes.15 (in eTimes) |
eTimes.15 Unit Back at Home Location Date/Time No No The date/time the responding unit was back in their service area.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eTimes.16 (in eTimes) |
eTimes.16 EMS Call Completed Date/Time No No The date/time the responding unit completed all tasks associated with the event including transfer of the patient, and such things as cleaning and restocking.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eVitals (in PatientCareReport) |
Patient Vital Sign Information
Type: |
Content: |
complex, 1 element |
Defined: |
eVitals.01 (in eVitals.VitalGroup) |
eVitals.01 Date/Time Vital Signs Taken Yes Yes The date/time vital signs were taken on the patient.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.02 (in eVitals.VitalGroup) |
eVitals.02 Obtained Prior to this Unit's EMS Care Yes Yes Indicates that the information which is documented was obtained prior to the documenting EMS units care.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.03 (in eVitals.CardiacRhythmGroup) |
eVitals.03 Cardiac Rhythm / Electrocardiography (ECG) Yes Yes The cardiac rhythm / ECG and other electrocardiography findings of the patient as interpreted by EMS personnel.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.04 (in eVitals.CardiacRhythmGroup) |
eVitals.04 ECG Type Yes Yes The type of ECG associated with the cardiac rhythm.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.05 (in eVitals.CardiacRhythmGroup) |
eVitals.05 Method of ECG Interpretation Yes Yes The method of ECG interpretation.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.06 (in eVitals.BloodPressureGroup) |
eVitals.06 SBP (Systolic Blood Pressure) Yes Yes The patient's systolic blood pressure.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.07 (in eVitals.BloodPressureGroup) |
eVitals.07 DBP (Diastolic Blood Pressure) No Yes The patient's diastolic blood pressure.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.08 (in eVitals.BloodPressureGroup) |
eVitals.08 Method of Blood Pressure Measurement Yes Yes Indication of method of blood pressure measurement.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.09 (in eVitals.BloodPressureGroup) |
eVitals.09 Mean Arterial Pressure No No The patient's mean arterial pressure.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eVitals.10 (in eVitals.HeartRateGroup) |
eVitals.10 Heart Rate Yes Yes The patient's heart rate expressed as a number per minute.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.11 (in eVitals.HeartRateGroup) |
eVitals.11 Method of Heart Rate Measurement No No The method in which the Heart Rate was measured.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eVitals.12 (in eVitals.VitalGroup) |
eVitals.12 Pulse Oximetry Yes Yes The patient's oxygen saturation.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.13 (in eVitals.VitalGroup) |
eVitals.13 Pulse Rhythm No No The clinical rhythm of the patient's pulse.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eVitals.14 (in eVitals.VitalGroup) |
eVitals.14 Respiratory Rate Yes Yes The patient's respiratory rate expressed as a number per minute.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.15 (in eVitals.VitalGroup) |
eVitals.15 Respiratory Effort No No The patient's respiratory effort.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eVitals.16 (in eVitals.VitalGroup) |
eVitals.16 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Yes Yes The numeric value of the patient's end-tidal CO2 level.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.17 (in eVitals.VitalGroup) |
eVitals.17 Carbon Monoxide (CO) No Yes The patient's carbon monoxide level measured in %COHb.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.18 (in eVitals.VitalGroup) |
eVitals.18 Blood Glucose Level Yes Yes The patient's blood glucose level.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.19 (in eVitals.GlasgowScoreGroup) |
eVitals.19 Glasgow Coma Score-Eye Yes Yes The patient's Glasgow Coma Score Eye opening.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.20 (in eVitals.GlasgowScoreGroup) |
eVitals.20 Glasgow Coma Score-Verbal Yes Yes The patient's Glasgow Coma Score Verbal.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.21 (in eVitals.GlasgowScoreGroup) |
eVitals.21 Glasgow Coma Score-Motor Yes Yes The patient's Glasgow Coma Score Motor E14_17 Required Airway Cardiac Arrest Pediatric STEMI Stroke Trauma Definitions now based on the National Trauma Data Standard (NTDS).
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.22 (in eVitals.GlasgowScoreGroup) |
eVitals.22 Glasgow Coma Score-Qualifier Yes Yes Documentation of factors which make the GCS score more meaningful.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.23 (in eVitals.GlasgowScoreGroup) |
eVitals.23 Total Glasgow Coma Score No Yes The patient's total Glasgow Coma Score.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.24 (in eVitals.TemperatureGroup) |
eVitals.24 Temperature No Yes The patient's body temperature in degrees Celsius/centigrade.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.25 (in eVitals.TemperatureGroup) |
eVitals.25 Temperature Method No No The method used to obtain the patient's body temperature.
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
eVitals.26 (in eVitals.VitalGroup) |
eVitals.26 Level of Responsiveness (AVPU) Yes Yes The patient's highest level of responsiveness.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.27 (in eVitals.PainScaleGroup) |
eVitals.27 Pain Scale Score Yes Yes The patient's indication of pain from a scale of 0-10.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.28 (in eVitals.PainScaleGroup) |
eVitals.28 Pain Scale Type No Yes The type of pain scale used.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.29 (in eVitals.StrokeScaleGroup) |
eVitals.29 Stroke Scale Score Yes Yes The findings or results of the Stroke Scale Type (eVitals.30) used to assess the patient exhibiting stroke-like symptoms.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.30 (in eVitals.StrokeScaleGroup) |
eVitals.30 Stroke Scale Type Yes Yes The type of stroke scale used.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.31 (in eVitals.VitalGroup) |
eVitals.31 Reperfusion Checklist Yes Yes The results of the patient's Reperfusion Checklist for potential Thrombolysis use.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.32 (in eVitals.VitalGroup) |
eVitals.32 APGAR No No The patient's total APGAR score (0-10).
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.33 (in eVitals.VitalGroup) |
eVitals.33 Revised Trauma Score No No The patient's Revised Trauma Score.
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.BloodPressureGroup (in eVitals.VitalGroup) |
Group Tag to hold the details of patient's blood pressure.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.CardiacRhythmGroup (in eVitals.VitalGroup) |
Group Tag to hold information of the type and method used for ECG interpretation associated with the cardiac rhythm.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.GlasgowScoreGroup (in eVitals.VitalGroup) |
Group Tag to hold the details of patient's glasgow scale
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.HeartRateGroup (in eVitals.VitalGroup) |
Group Tag to hold the details of patient's heart rate.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.PainScaleGroup (in eVitals.VitalGroup) |
Group Tag to hold the scale of patient's pain and the type of pain scale used.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.StrokeScaleGroup (in eVitals.VitalGroup) |
Group Tag to hold the results of patient's stroke scale and the type of stroke pain scale used.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.TemperatureGroup (in eVitals.VitalGroup) |
Group Tag to hold information about patient's body temperature.
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
eVitals.VitalGroup (in eVitals) |
Group Tag to hold eVitals information
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
Header (in EMSDataSet) |
Header for file
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
PatientCareReport (in Header) |
Container Tag to hold each instance of a patient care report (PCR)
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |