The 2023 NEMSIS Public-Release Research Dataset includes 54,190,579 EMS activations submitted by 14,369 EMS agencies serving 54 states and territories during the 2023 calendar year.
The dataset does not contain information that identifies patients, EMS agencies, receiving hospitals, or reporting states. EMS events submitted by states to NEMSIS do not necessarily represent all EMS events occurring within a state. In addition, states may vary in criteria used to determine the types of EMS events submitted to the NEMSIS dataset.
Press Release NEMSIS 2023 Public-Release Dataset
A video training about the Data Cube and Public Release Research Dataset is available here and below. If you are new to the NEMSIS Public Release Research Dataset, this video will provide an overview of the dataset and resources including the data dictionary and user’s manual.
Access the Research Dataset Frequently Asked Questions document here: Research dataset FAQ 2023
Request NEMSIS Public-Release Research Dataset Here: Help Desk Ticket
*Be advised that you may request a SINGLE YEAR of data for your initial request. Once you have started with that year successfully, you may request other years of data.