NEMSIS Version 2.2.1 Data Dictionary
The NEMSIS NHTSA Version 2.2.1 DataDictionary provides over 400 definitions that can be implemented by an EMS system. National data elements are defined that should be collected for the National EMS Database, but additional data elements should be considered for use at the state and local levels depending on each state or local EMS system's need.
NEMSIS Version 2.2.1 Data Dictionary
Data Dictionary subject to minor changes for last revision see Appendix A
NEMSIS_Data_Elements_Definitions_v2.2.1.xls contains National Elements Only
NEMSIS_Data_Dictionary v2.2.1 - National Elements Only (PDF) contains National Elements Only
Version 2.2.1 Data Entry Navigation Logic Document
A copy of a guide for using the NHTSA NEMSIS Version 2.2.1 dataset entitled “Data Entry Navigation Logic Document” as recommended by the EMS Performance Improvement Center (EMSPIC) is available for public use. The EMSPIC was an essential partner with the NEMSIS TAC for the development of the NEMSIS NHTSA Version 2.1.1 dataset, offering experience and best practice recommendations on the use and documentation of the dataset by EMS professionals. The EMSPIC provided this document as an example for software developers.
The navigation logic document describes how each of the NHTSA NEMSIS Version 2.2.1 data elements can be presented to an EMS software user in the most efficient way while improving data quality and validity.
The EMSPIC developed this document based on years of experience in developing EMS data entry tools and data analysis systems.
If you have any suggestions on how to make this document better, please forward them to the NEMSIS TAC or Jeff Robertson at the EMSPIC for consideration. The EMSPIC maintains this document on the EMSPIC website ( for everyone’s use.
Version 2 – Demographic & EMS Dataset Schema
An EMS Dataset is a subset of information describing a complete EMS event. It includes information that is considered important from an EMS system, EMS personnel, and an EMS patient’s perspective. The data elements within the EMS dataset provide documentation of the system performance and clinical care.