Compliant Software Testing Status

Compliant Software and Compliance Testing

This page contains information about the Vendor Companies and their ePCR software products (based on version) that have achieved or are actively working to complete NEMSIS Compliance.

View Compliant Software for NEMSIS Version:

V3 IMPLEMENTATION CALLS: To maintain v3 compliance vendors must attend the v3 Implementation Calls. Each of the v3 Implementation calls will have a vendor breakout session.  This allows an opportunity for states and agencies to reach out to their vendors with questions. Each vendor has been assigned a color code and the agenda for the v3 calls will note the color code for the v3 Implementation Call. Download the list here: CS-Vendor-Breakout-List 02262025

MAJOR CHANGE TO PRODUCTS: EMS Software that has undergone NEMSIS v3 compliance testing must be tested again for compliance when a major change to the software is developed and released, or every two years, whichever occurs sooner.

PROBATION: Vendors in red are on probation and are subject to removal from this list if they do not complete all probationary requirements. Please see the Compliance Policy for more information.

What Does v3 Compliant Software Mean for a Potential Customer?

Please remember as a potential customer of a software company, these lists are just one of many tools you should use to evaluate the total package being offered to your organization. Any software package should be evaluated on its overall fit into your organization’s needs. The EMS software company’s web page may be accessed by simply clicking on the EMS software company name.


NEMSIS compliant software products that states may purchase to collect and aggregate patient care reports submitted by agencies to the state. *The NEMSIS Technical Assistance Center has established a policy not to disclose those software packages that were unsuccessful in their attempt to complete the compliance testing process.


NEMSIS compliant software products that EMS agencies may purchase to document patient care encounters and submit data to the state. *The NEMSIS Technical Assistance Center has established a policy not to disclose those software packages that were unsuccessful in their attempt to complete the compliance testing process.

*V3 Call Participation: These calls are facilitated twice per month to address any current issues, development, collaboration, and open forum. Vendors wishing to maintain NEMSIS compliance must have an attendance rate of 70% or greater.
**Annual Meeting Participation: **Annual Meeting Participation: Vendors wishing to maintain NEMSIS compliance must attend the yearly NEMSIS Annual Meeting.

Software companies currently seeking initial compliance along with their software product name are listed below. Vendor and software are listed while actively testing for NEMSIS compliance.


Software companies currently seeking compliance along with their products (based on version) and the stage of the compliance process are listed below. The list of companies identified below are limited to those who have demonstrated consistent progress towards NEMSIS compliance. Software companies are listed for 90 days. If compliance is not completed within 90 days, the company must reapply.

For more detail on the stages of Compliance Testing, please see the detailed explanation document for the relevant NEMSIS Version and Product Type (Collect or Receive) on the general Compliance Page.