Custom Element Library
Access the Custom Element Library - The custom element library contains the national custom elements, NASEMSO suggested elements, and all state custom elements within a statedataset. Please note, if your state or agency wants to utilize a previously existing custom element, it is recommended to implement it exactly the same way to facilitate benchmarking and data comparisons. National Custom Element List Guides for developing custom elements are available on the Guides and Usage page.
National Custom Element Informational Documents
- Infectious Disease – Infectious Disease National Custom Elements (Updated 02/01/2021)
- Immunization and Vaccination – Immunization and Vaccination National Custom Data Elements (Updated 01/13/2021)
- V3.5 Critical Patch #4 – Updating eInjury.03 and eInjury.04 to the 2021 Trauma Triage Criteria (Updated 06/05/2023)