The PRIMARY Goal of the NEMSIS Project:
Improve understanding of, confidence in and support for EMS data collection and analysis across all target audiences within the EMS community. The goal is to provide a better understanding of NEMSIS that will lead to EMS data being utilized more effectively to improve patient care.
Other Goals & Objectives:
- Provide guidance to all states and territories working to revise data elements, improve data capture, and ensure they have a NEMSIS compliant data system in place which can send and receive the Version 3 Data Standard!
- Provide guidance for the implementation of an electronic EMS documentation system in every local EMS system, which can collect and use data based on the current NHTSA Version 3 dataset standard.
- Provide guidance for the implementation of a state EMS information system in every state and territory, which can receive and use a portion of the local EMS data via the NEMSIS/HL7 XML standard.
- Improve access to the National EMS Database for reporting capabilities, allowing federal,state, and local EMS stakeholders access to performance and benchmarking metrics.
Why the need for a National EMS Database
NEMSIS provides the framework for collecting, storing, and sharing standardized EMS data from states nationwide. The NEMSIS uniform dataset and database help local, state and national EMS stakeholders more accurately assess EMS needs and performance, as well as support better strategic planning for the EMS systems of tomorrow. Data from NEMSIS is also used to help benchmark performance, determine the effectiveness of clinical interventions, and facilitate cost-benefit analyses.