Data Quality
Much care was taken to ensure that the data are as clean as possible. All data submitted by states must comply with the XML standard and are exposed to several hundred error rules. However, for the most part, the NEMSIS TAC does not correct identified errors. The NEMSIS TAC does not have the resources to require states or agencies to correct errors retrospectively, but errors are reported to states, with hopes of future data refinement. Thus, the information contained in this dataset is provided as reported by states.
The 2022 NEMSIS Data User Manual
The NEMSIS Data User Manual indicates the data elements that are made available for research. Additional elements are protected from public use in their native form. These elements may only be made available with the expressed permission from each individual state or as “de-identified data elements” (specified by the HIPAA Privacy Rule) using statistical manipulation to mask and anonymize value codes. Masked value codes may be grouped to address specific hypotheses and made available to researchers through the use of the master Primary Key to link back to individual cases.
The list of states contributing to the 2022 Dataset can be found in the NEMSIS Data User Manual.
v3.4.0 Data Dictionary
This Data Dictionary provides details for the v3.4.0 EMS Data Standard and lists only the National Elements represented in the Public-Release Research Dataset.
Download the v3.4.0 Data Dictionary here.
Extended Data Definitions
Extended definitions for some NEMSIS elements are made available through a joint effort with the NASEMSO Data Managers Council (DMC) and the NEMSIS Technical Assistance Center. This document helps to define and clarify a subset of field values.
Download the Extended Data Definitions here.
SAS Code File
The SAS code file provides sample code to create a table specification document for the dataset, a flat-file (at event level) for multi-response elements, and a re-format of data-time elements into a SAS date/time format.
Download the SAS Code File here.