2021 NEMSIS Annual Meeting and Boot Camp

Annual Meeting Recordings:

Day 1, August 3, 2021

Day 2, August 4, 2021

Day 3, August 5, 2021

2021 Boot Camp Materials

The links below are provided for 2021 NEMSIS Boot Camp participants to download and use during the online meeting.

The following files are editable PDFs with the presenter’s PowerPoint slides and a space for taking notes:

NEMSIS Stakeholders,

Virtual BootCamp for State Data Managers Transitioning to v3.5
July 13th, 2021
Register here: https://2021nemsis-boot-camp.eventbrite.com

2021 NEMSIS v3 Implementation Meeting
August 3rd – 5th, 2021
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2021-nemsis-v3-annual-implementation-meeting-registration-149759515743

Download the dates announcement flyer here:

Download the Boot Camp flyer here:


Download the Annual Meeting Flyer here:

When registration links, a list of topics, and times for the events become available, they will be posted here.